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Posts posted by Dorituski

  1. #1. Minecraft IGN: Dorituski

    #2. Discord name & tag: Dorituski#5769

    #3. What is the type of punishment applied (Ban/Mute/Event Ban): ban

    #4. Why were you punished: cheating

    #5. Do you think you deserved this punishment: no

    #6. Do you think this punishment is abuse (If yes, leave proof too): no

    #7. Why do you think you should be unpunished: becouse i wasnt cheating

    #8. Do you agree to SkyPickaxe rules: yes

    #9. Anything else you would like to let us know: i think taht was becouse one guy that ign starts with Marius and sime nubers but i dont remember have hitting me when i was on top ow coal mine and he was at the bottom (it was like 6/7 blocks) and when i wrote on chat he was cheating  and he raplied "yes" then 1 stupid guy was thinking if he start hitting him will deteck his cheats and then i got banned


  2. #1. How old are you: 14

    #2. What's your timezone:in summer Eastern European Time in winter Central European Time

    #3. Minecraft IGN: Dorituski

    #4. Discord name & tag: Dorituski#5769

    #5. Do you have a working microphone: yes

    #6. Why do you want to become a staff member on SkyPickaxe: because I've never been a staff

    #7. What previous staff experience do you have? (You will be asked for proof later on): I have no experience

    #8. Why should we accept you over other applicants: Becouse im good and fair

    #9. How long have you played SkyPickaxe for: 20 mins

    #10. How active can you be: from 14-21 in my timezone

    #11. At what level would you rate your maturity (10 being most mature): 9

    #12. Have you ever received any punishments on SkyPickaxe: no

    #13. What will you bring new to SkyPickaxe if we accept you: everything you need

    #14. What position are you aiming for: any

    #15. You accept that asking staff about your application will result it getting denied: yes

    #16. Any other information you would like to let us know: if you deny my application i will be very sad :<

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