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Posts posted by DESTROYER

  1. Install Easy Skript from the Chrome Web Store for free! I made this extension to help people who Skript in Minehut. What it does is it replaces the Minehut plain text editor to a syntax highlighting + auto completing text editor with many features!
    If you like this extension, please leave a positive review on the Web Store and share it with others who might find it useful!

    By the way, a lot of people are saying that they don't want to install it because it is sus. Lucky for you it's open sourced, feel free to look through the code before installing it: https://github.com/IFStudios-dev/EasySkript

    Here's the link to the extention: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/easy-skript/nidndibopkcanlecfbachecmekjbpcip

    Here is a screenshot of the extension's GUI:


    Here is a screenshot of the editor that Easy Skript adds to Minehut:


  2. Install Easy Skript from the Chrome Web Store for free! I made this extension to help people who Skript in Minehut. What it does is it replaces the Minehut plain text editor to a syntax highlighting + auto completing text editor with many features!
    If you like this extension, please leave a positive review on the Web Store and share it with others who might find it useful!

    By the way, a lot of people are saying that they don't want to install it because it is sus. Lucky for you it's open sourced, feel free to look through the code before installing it: https://github.com/IFStudios-dev/EasySkript

    Here's the link to the extention: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/easy-skript/nidndibopkcanlecfbachecmekjbpcip

    Here is a screenshot of the extention's GUI:


    Here is a screenshot of the editor that Easy Skript adds to Minehut:


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