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Posts posted by Migqy-not_in_use

  1. 4 hours ago, MaxNuttall311 said:

    however my friend had no issue doing so when he joined

    So your friend is still in the world? Try doing '/tp (your friend's name)' if they are.


  2. command /title:
    #No perms needed
            open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lTitles" to player
            format slot 31 of player with red stained glass pane named "&c&lUnEquip Your Title" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% suffixoff"]
            format slot 0 of player with nametag named "&b[LagHut] &fTitle &7(Right-Click)" to close then run [execute console command "sudo %player% suffixmm"]
            format slot 1 of player with nametag named "&e[Clout] &fTitle &7(Right-Click)" to close then run:
    			execute console command "sudo %player% sufixcc"
    command /suffixcc: 
      send "&aEnabled Title: &e[Clout]"
      execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &e[Clout] "
      execute console command "nte player %player% suffix '&e[Clout] '"
    command /suffixmm: 
      send "&aEnabled Title: &b[LagHut]"
      execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &b[LagHut] "
      execute console command "nte player %player% suffix '&b[LagHut] '"
    command /suffixl: 
      send "&aEnabled Title: &b[-_-]"
      execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &b[-_-] "
      execute console command "nte player %player% suffix '&b[-_-] '"
    command /suffixoff: 
      send "&aDisabled Title"
      execute console command "pex user %player% suffix &9"
      execute console command "nte player %player% suffix &9"


  3. On 12/7/2019 at 10:08 AM, ItzAnox said:

    format gui slot 0,4,8,22,26

    you need to do:

    format gui slot 0, 4, 8, 22 and 26


    Also it's pretty cool how you completely copied MigFarms' ranking system. 😕

  4. It most likely hasn't updated to 1.15 so unfortunately there is probably nothing you can do. Resetting the config for the plugin might fix it (maybe). To do this you go into console, press plugins, search up your plugin, click it and press reset.

  5. Hello everyone uwu,

    My name is Migqy! Mig eeeeeee (<- pronunciation)

    I own a server and I have started learning to skript which is sorta fun. I really like minehut aswell lols.

    I hope everyone who reads this is having a gud day and I am sorry u had to read this cuz it is cringy.

    ily bye.


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