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Posts posted by Ikbenmathijs

  1. 3 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    The plugin is only tested up to 1.15 so it may or may not work in 1.16, the version Minehut servers are on.

    already tested it in a local server and it works with 1.16

  2. 23 hours ago, Sorbon said:

    i added some comments in the code which shows in the post

    not in the  file yet, but I will do that and fix the List error (I had disabled them xD) 

    when i find the time, thanks for saying 

    Wait you can disable them?!?


    I should REALLY do that because it's really annoying (and I don't want to be reminded every time that my code sucks :p)

  3. I know this is like the millionth time I asked, but I won't stop unless it gets updated or get a reply why it's not getting updated 😐


    Please update noteblockAPI: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/noteblockapi.19287/


    The current version on minehut doesn't support the newer .nbs format by the newer open noteblock studio: https://opennbs.org/. The newer version does.


    I tested in a paper 1.16.1 local server, and yes, it works with 1.16.



  4. On 7/13/2020 at 3:35 PM, Sorbon said:

    Good morning/evening

    For the people who use this Skript, pls use the new version now
    It contains some fixes for the 1.16 and also doesnt need TuSke anymore



    skReport.sk 8.35 kB · 6 downloads

    Thanks for the update! I really like that you're using vanilla GUIs now, because they're way less buggy than TuSke GUIs! The code is also much cleaner, though I reccomend making more comments in the code with public scripts so people can read what's happening :p.


    Anyways it gave a warning about line 119. You forgot to use "and" instead of ",".

  5. So IntellectualSites just created plotsquared v5. It's now actually a premium plugin, however it's still open source and 100% free to compile & use. You just need to compile it.



    Compile instructions:

    clone repository (git must be installed)

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared.git

    cd in to directory

    cd PlotSquared

    run the compiler


    ./gradlew clean build

    windows (didn't test this one but it should be):

    start gradlew.bat clean build

    Now wait and the compiled plugin should appear PlotSquared/targetimage.thumb.png.a09f36f42a3c9d95b11a591ef4baf257.png

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for adding the noteblockAPI.


    However, the current release version of NoteblockAPI supports the older versions of noteblock studio, however not the newest version of Open Note Block Studio.


    However, there is a snapshot version of NoteblockAPI that does support the newest version of Open Noteblock Studio. You can download it here.


    Edit: this newer version is now a full build instead of a dev build and can be downloaded at thier spigot page now. 

  7. On 2/19/2020 at 9:49 PM, Sorbon said:

    Thank you very much for your comment

    "%all offline players%" has been replaced with another way;


                    set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 has played before
                    set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 is online
                    if {_hasPlayed} is set:


    Thanks for the update! Now it doesn't lag even when reporting an offline player!


  8. checking all offline players causes a BIG lag spike on big servers. It's a cheap workaround, but this will only check all offline players when the player that's reported isn't online. Increasing preformance a lot when reporting while the reported player is online. It still works for offline players but that still causes lag.

    				set {_on} to false
    				loop all players:
    					if "%player%" is "%arg-1%":
    						set {_on} to true
    				if {_on} is true:
    					add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
    					add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
    					add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
    					add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
    					set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
    					set {_p} to player
    					#Report Message:
    					send "{@Prefix} &eYou have reported %arg-1%" 
    					send "{@Prefix} &6%player% &ehas reported &6%arg-1% &e<command:/reports>&6&lCLICK<reset>" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
    					if "%all offline players%" contains "%arg-1%":
    						add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
    						add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
    						add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
    						add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
    						set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
    						set {_p} to player
    						#Report Message:
    						send "{@Prefix} &eYou have reported %arg-1%" 
    						send "{@Prefix} &6%player% &ehas reported &6%arg-1% &e<command:/reports>&6&lCLICK<reset>" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
    						send "{@Prefix} &cThis Player has never played here before"
    						#set cooldown even when an invalid player was given to prevent people spamming it and causing massive lag
    						set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now




    on break of ripe wheat plant:
    	set event-block to wheat plant
    on break of ripe beetroot plant:
    	set event-block to beetroot plant
    on break of ripe carrot plant:
    	set event-block to carrot plant
    on break of ripe potato plant:
    	set event-block to potato plant


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