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Posts posted by reflags

  1. hello im reskill and im looking for builders for a spawn for now. but if you want to be a perm builder then you can ask skriptio later the owner. currently were still very new to the server so we don't have much done but we do have a base spawn and it would be so helpful to have builders to help us. sadly you will be payed for this but we can feature you and if you do good as i said earlier you will likely have a semi permanent role into the staff team.

  2. **TAILVA** Hi there, im civic. Im creating a prison server on MH, and to do so I need some devs and staff members. The server name is `Tailva`, and as I mentioned before it's a prison server. Op prison to be exact. **WHAT IM LOOKING FOR** Im looking for active `skript developers` who will be able to work in a group, and can be as active as possible. For the staff side of things, im looking for a few mods to start off, nothing more. **ROLES** Lead Developer [0/1] Skript Developer [0/3] Mods [0/3] *((If you have further questions dm @civic#5835!))*

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