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Posts posted by pryduLiveTTV

  1. On 12/16/2021 at 6:18 PM, CocoLovesDino said:

    on break:
       if event-item concrete:
       send why concrete


    i tried making this skript it doesn't seem to work iwant to make it red concrete and i wanted to make it so no one can break that certain block without bypass.

    Here's the skript you wanted in mind:

    on break of red concrete:
    	if player doesn't have permission "concrete.bypass":
    		send "&c&lBLOCKS &8&o• &cYou aren't permitted to break this block!"
    		cancel event
    		play sound "block.note_block.didgeridoo" to player

    I hope this helps you 🙂

  2. #Please do not change this Skript unless you are experienced with the language.
    #This skript was made by HealthGrief.
        p: &c&lMAINTENANCE
        a: &8»
    command /maintenance [<text>]:
    	permission: maintenance.*
    	permission message: &c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &cYou don't have permission to do this!
    	cooldown: 2.5 seconds
    	cooldown message: &c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &cDon't run this command so frequently!
    		if arg-1 is not set:
    			send "&f"
    			send "&8&m                &r &c&lMAINTENANCE &4&lHELP &8&m                "
    			send "&c/maintenance &8- &7Sends the help message"
    			send "&c/maintenance enable &8- &7Enables maintenance mode"
    			send "&c/maintenance disable &8- &7Disables maintenance mode"
    			send "&c/maintenance bypass &8- &7Enables your maintenance bypass mode"
    			send "&8&m                &r &c&lMAINTENANCE &4&lHELP &8&m                "
    			send "&f"
    		else if arg-1 is "on" or "true" or "enable":
    			if {maintenance} isn't true:
    				play sound "block.note_block.didgeridoo" to all players
    				broadcast "&f"
    				broadcast "  &f〉 &c&lMAINTENANCE &f〈"
    				broadcast "&f"
    				broadcast "&c%player% &fis conducting a quick maintenance. "
    				broadcast "&fThis is just a quick &cmaintenance &fand &cshouldn't &flast long."
    				broadcast "&f"
    				loop all players:
    					if loop-player has permission "maintenance.*":
    						send "&c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &c%player% &fhas successfully enabled &cmaintenance mode." to loop-player
    				wait 10 seconds
    				play sound "block.note_block.didgeridoo" to all players
    				broadcast "&f〉 &c&lMAINTENANCE &f〈"
    				broadcast "&f"
    				broadcast "&cThe server &fwill shut down for maintenance in &c10 seconds."
    				broadcast "&cPlease wait patiently &fas we conduct through this process!"
    				broadcast "&f"
    				wait 5 seconds
    				broadcast "&f〉 &c&lMAINTENANCE &f〈"
    				broadcast "&f"
    				broadcast "&cThe server &fwill shut down for maintenance in &c5 seconds."
    				broadcast "&cPlease wait patiently &fas we conduct through this process!"
    				broadcast "&f"
    				play sound "block.note_block.didgeridoo" to all players
    				wait 5 seconds
    				set {maintenance} to true
    				kick all players due to "&f〉 &c&lMAINTENANCE &f〈 &fWe are running &ca quick maintenance &fon the server. &cPlease &fbe patient as we go through this process."
    				send "&c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &cYou can't turn maintenance on when it's already on!"
    		else if arg-1 is "off" or "false" or "disable":
    			if {maintenance} is true:
    				play sound "block.note_block.pling" at pitch 1.1 to all players
    				set {maintenance} to false
    				broadcast "&f"
    				broadcast "&f〉 &c&lMAINTENANCE &f〈"
    				broadcast "&f"
    				broadcast "&c%player% &fhas disabled the maintenance mode."
    				broadcast "&cRegular players &fwill be able to &cjoin &fthe server again."
    				broadcast "&f"
    				loop all players:
    					if loop-player has permission "maintenance.*":
    						send "&c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &c%player% &fhas successfully disabled &cmaintenance mode." to loop-player
    						send "&c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &cYou can't turn maintenance off when it's already off!"
    on join:
        if {maintenance} is true:
            if player doesn't have permission "maintenance.bypass":
                kick player due to "&f〉 &c&lMAINTENANCE &f〈 &fWe are running &ca quick maintenance &fon the server. &cPlease &fbe patient as we go through this process."
            else if {maintenance} is false:
        else if player has permission "maintenance.bypass":
            send "&c&lMAINTENANCE &8» &cMaintenance was enabled but you bypassed it because of your permissions!"

    Simple Maintenance Skript 

    There are no dependencies. Have fun using it however you want


    (This skript was very low effort so don't make fun of me if it's bad, only spent 10min on it because my friend asked)

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