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Posts posted by TheInfininteBean

  1. On 12/28/2019 at 9:28 PM, McThistle2 said:

    Did you try repairing the files from the danger zone? If not, please try it. Additionally, if support have let you know that nothing can be done to retrieve your server, this is most likely the case. In the future, please make sure to create frequent backups.

    Thanks, we have tried repair files and we have now got all of our playerdata and other data back but not our wiped chunks. I know its a problem with the region files, either by a bug they were regenerated or they are just corrupted, were gonna try region repairing plugins is there point trying repair files again and are there any other ways of repairing regions.

  2. Our server that we have been playing on daily with about 10 total players for the last 6 months was randomly reset a few days ago. We were on earlier in the day and it was absolutely fine, we hadn't used any commands, used the console or used the multiverse and when we came off it seemed to take the normal amount of time to stop and save. We went back on in the evening to find most our buildings on the world had disappeared yet we still had all our player data and items and we spawned back in in the exact same place that we came off at and the original landscape was still there just not our buildings. A few random locations were still there but cut off at chunk boundaries and surprisingly a whole one of our towns. The nether had been completely regenerated but multiverse worlds were not affected. We decided to come off and restart the server and then go back on assuming it was just a blip but when we went back on the entire server had been reset saying we were joining for the first time, all our items gone, at the original spawn yet still the same seed. The multiverse worlds survived still but the entire server was reset. Every time the server stops and we go back on again it resets again. We have looked through the server logs and there are no error messages. The files look as if they have been corrupted and look weird but we don't know if thats just the computer not being able to read it properly. Ive contacted support and they've said there is nothing they can do. We have no external backups, so if the server has been reset there is nothing we can do, but if the files are just corrupted would using repair files bring it back to normal? Usually if files are corrupted it would just stop the server from starting but maybe minehut just ignores them. We cant think of how this would've happened otherwise because it seemed to happen in stages and if it had been accidentally reset or all the data deleted everything would've gone straight away. Has anyone experienced this before, is this a common problem, is there a solution? Surely there must be some explanation?

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