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Posts posted by hellothereyellowbl

  1. Welcome to the skript of TitanicPluto671 

    command /genget <text> [<player>]:
        permission: gen.give
        permission message: &cNo permission!
            if arg-2 is set:
                set {_p} to arg-2
                set {_p} to player
            if arg-1 is "white":
                give {_p} 1 white glazed terracotta named "&6&lWhite Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "lightblue":
                give {_p} 1 light blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lLight Blue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "yellow":
                give {_p} 1 yellow glazed terracotta named "&6&lYellow Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "green":
                give {_p} 1 lime glazed terracotta named "&6&lGreen Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "purple":
                give {_p} 1 purple glazed terracotta named "&6&lPurple Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "blue":
                give {_p} 1 blue glazed terracotta named "&6&lBlue Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "red":
                give {_p} 1 red glazed terracotta named "&6&lRed Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "emerald":
                give {_p} 1 emerald block named "&6&lEmerald Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "diamond":
                give {_p} 1 diamond block named "&6&lDiamond Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "gold":
                give {_p} 1 gold block named "&6&lGold Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "iron":
                give {_p} 1 iron block named "&6&lIron Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "coal":
                give {_p} 1 coal block named "&6&lCoal Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "melon":
                give {_p} 1 melon named "&6&lMelon Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "pumpkin":
                give {_p} 1 pumpkin named "&6&lPumpkin Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
            if arg-1 is "wheat":
                give {_p} 1 hay block named "&6&lWheat Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"

    on place of emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or melon or pumpkin or hay block or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta:
        set {_p} to player
        set {_u} to player's uuid
        if {gc::%{_u}%} >= {gencap::%{_u}%}: 
            cancel event
            send "&f" to {_p}
            send "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou have reached the max generator limit" to {_p}
            send "&aTo upgrade this purchase a rank at &a/buy" to {_p}
            send "&f" to {_p}
        wait 2 ticks
        if event-block is a hay block:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::wheat::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a emerald block:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::emerald::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a diamond block:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::diamond::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a gold block:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::gold::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a iron block:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::iron::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a coal block:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::coal::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a melon:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::melon::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a pumpkin:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::pumpkin::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a white glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::white::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a light blue glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::lb::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a yellow glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::yellow::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a lime glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::lime::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a purple glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::purple::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a blue glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::blue::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}
        if event-block is a red glazed terracotta:
            add location of event-block to {gens::%{_u}%::red::*}
            add 1 to {gc::%{_u}%}

    on left click on emerald block or diamond block or gold block or iron block or coal block or pumpkin or hay block or melon or white glazed terracotta or light blue glazed terracotta or yellow glazed terracotta or lime glazed terracotta or purple glazed terracotta or blue glazed terracotta or red glazed terracotta:
        if player is not sneaking:
            if event-block is emerald block:
                if {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*} contains location of event-block:
                    play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player
                    remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%}
                    remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::emerald::*}
                    set event-block to air
                    give player 1 emerald block named "&6&lEmerald Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
                    send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player
            else if event-block is diamond block:
                if {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*} contains location of event-block:
                    play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player
                    remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%}
                    remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::diamond::*}
                    set event-block to air
                    give player 1 diamond block named "&6&lDiamond Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
                    send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player
            else if event-block is gold block:
                if {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*} contains location of event-block:
                    play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player
                    remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%}
                    remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::gold::*}
                    set event-block to air
                    give player 1 gold block named "&6&lGold Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
                    send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player
            else if event-block is iron block:
                if {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*} contains location of event-block:
                    play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player
                    remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%}
                    remove location of event-block from {gens::%player's uuid%::iron::*}
                    set event-block to air
                    give player 1 iron block named "&6&lIron Gen" with lore "&7(Place To Use)"
                    send action bar "&a&lGenerator &7» &aYou collected your Gen!" to player
            else if event-block is coal block:
                if {gens::%player's uuid%::coal::*} contains location of event-block:
                    play sound "entity.item.pickup" with volume 3 to the player
                    remove 1 from {gc::%player's uuid%}
                    remove location of event-block from 

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