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Posts posted by Deltary

  1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Minecraft Username: BearyDucky
    Discord Name: BearyDucky#8911
    Age: 14
    Timezone: GMT
    Can you speak fluently in any over languages (Multilingual)? Nope, I only speak English as I was born in the UK
    Do you have a microphone? Not yet but I am planning to buy one soon when I can start speaking fully.
    Do you have the ability to record? Yes, I use OBS and my recordings get a decent fps.
    Why are you applying for staff on Atrosity? Recently I've noticed inactivity at times where people are at school and at those times I notice many people breaking rules and not really caring at all as there are no staff to enforce the rules meaning they do whatever they like, from hacking to just plain out abusive speak towards other players. I've also seen there are not many staff on the atrosity staff team which causes some trouble between players reports and staff which I'd like to fix as a player its annoying having someone be toxic towards me but I get told I'm being toxic.

    What makes you a better applicant than others? I'm very active and I'm very motivated towards helping servers I really enjoy, You can tell I enjoy a server when I play on it daily and try to reach the top of the balance list, mob coin list or the island list. I also think I'm better than other applicants because I understand whats bad and wants not for players as I play a lot and I see a lot of bad things that can be improved on the server.

    Do you have any previous experience if so what? I've been staff on many many minehut servers but the most recent one is probably being staff on DuckyBeary's server and ItzOP's old server that I was builder on. As I said I have been staff on many minehut servers but the only reason why I cant list them is because they were years ago although I haven't decreased in my moderating skills I've actually increased as growing up kind of helped me mature more.

    How much time will you be able to contribute to being staff? I'd contribute minimum 6 hours a day every day unless I'm ill one day or off which If that happens I will repay that by being on longer the day Im able to be back online as a staff member.

    What would you class as your biggest strength? Being motivated to work daily on improving the players experience on atrosity and generally helping people with answers to questions that they provide.

    What activities do you do outside of minecraft? I mainly bike, I used to mountain bike but I dont anymore due to me losing my mountain bike.

    Have you been banned on any servers if so what? I got banned on hypixel for a month because I was messing around with hacks, I learnt that I shouldn't hack on any servers as its just rude. Hacking to improve your experience but decrease others experience is just really mean.

    How do you think the community would feel about you being staff? I don't think they would mine as most players don't care about who comes staff unless they know that player for griefing, trolling or just being plain out toxic.

    Will you be able to do a voice interview? No, Most people know I am mute in real life, I can speak a little but I have no mic and either way it would strain my voice and hurt a bit.
    Will you be able to come to staff meetings? Definitely, With my activity being so high I will for sure be able to make staff meetings.
    Other/Notes: I dont but I do hope you like it, have a good day / night,

  2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Minecraft Username: Deltary
    Discord Name: 
    Age: 14 (This year)
    Timezone: GMT (UK)
    Can you speak fluently in any over languages (Multilingual)? Unfortunately not.
    Do you have a microphone? No as I am mute so I'm unable to speak.
    Do you have the ability to record? Yes, I do.
    Why are you applying for staff on Atroisty? I have had a lot of free time recently, I'd love helping the server as much as I can due to me playing it a lot and loving my experience although I could make other peoples experience much better than mine by keeping everyone inside the rules and making it fair by punishing hackers or cheaters of any sort.

    What makes you a better applicant than others? I have a lot of free time and as a player myself I've noticed not a lot of staff are online on certain times due to timezone and things outside of atrosity. I also have experience on being staff but that was like 2 years ago meaning I've forgot the servers names either way they were on minehut meaning they were not that large of servers but I had no complaints on being a staff for them, I was mainly a mod to keep the chat safe.

    Do you have any previous experience if so what? Again, I was staff 2 years ago on many minehut servers as mod / admin to administrate the chat and make sure no one was saying anything inappropriate, threatening or rude

    How much time will you be able to contribute to being staff? I'd say 6 - 8 hours a day but of course with short breaks in between those 6 - 8 hours but If I cant be active on a certain day due to things outside of atrosity I will be on longer the next day.

    What would you class as your biggest strength? Building and chat administrating due to my experience on both building and being a mod / admin, I've also been building for about 2 years now so I have much experience building just getting back into my old style of building and flow.

    What activities do you do outside of minecraft? Well I dont really do any activites except riding my bike due to generalised anxiety disorder that I get home schooled because of.

    Have you been banned on any servers if so what? Hypixel for a month but only as I was "Hacking", I had the worst ping at that time as my brother was downloading a big ass game and my wifi was different but anyways I jumped to another island in bedwars and got banned for "fly hacking" by anti cheat.

    How do you think the community would feel about you being staff? I will admit I've made some enemies but only about two so as Im active enough for most players to know me I'd think they wont mind as they know I'd help them.

    Will you be able to do a voice interview? No due to me being unable to speak, Most likely have to do text which should be fine.
    Will you be able to come to staff meetings? Definitely, I'd enjoy coming to staff meetings.

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