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skReport by Sorbon


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Sorbon's Report Skript


No Tuske 

1.16 fixes

Plugins needed:




  • Reports are sorted by Date
  • Reports can be seen in a GUI
  • You can directly Teleport to the reported player
  • Cooldown
  • infinity pages



Listed by Each User:


When you Click on it, you can see all reports:
by clicking on 1 report, it gets deleted, or you use the delete all button





/report <player> <reason>

/reports to view the reports


I hope you like it, if you find any bugs or have any Suggestions, be sure you let me know of it 😄



	permission: report.Admin   # Permission
	Prefix: &6Server &7        # Prefix
	NoPermMessage: &cYou don't have the permissions to use this Command!

	cooldown: 15 seconds       # Cooldown, so people cant spam it
	CooldownMessage: &7Please wait &7[&c%remaining time%&7]   
	CooldownBypass: report.bypass

command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	cooldown: {@cooldown}
	cooldown message: {@CooldownMessage}
	cooldown bypass: {@CooldownBypass}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>"
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>"
				set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 has played before
				set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 is online
				if {_hasPlayed} is set:
					add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
					add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
					add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
					add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
					set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
					set {_p} to player
					#Report Message:
					send "{@Prefix} &7You have reported [%arg-1%&7]" 
					send "{@Prefix} [%player%&7] &7has reported [&c%arg-1%&7] &7[<command:/reports>&aClick me<reset>&7]" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
					send "{@Prefix} This Player has never played here before"

command /reports [<offline player>]:
		if player has permission "{@permission}":
			if arg-1 is offline player:
			send "{@NoPermMessage}"
			send "&7[&cReport&7] &cMade by Sorbon"

# Reports is the Main GUI with the player listed
# playerReport is the GUI where the Reports of a player are listed

# Create the default layout for GUI 			
function gui(p:player,s:string,n:string):
	set metadata tag {_s} of {_p} to chest inventory with 6 rows named {_n}
	set slot (all numbers between 0 and 54) of metadata tag {_s} of {_p} to light gray stained glass pane named ""
	set slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43 and 44 of metadata tag {_s} of {_p} to gray stained glass pane named ""

# This function allows me to split a list at a certain value, so its used for the pagination
# also allows me to say how many values it should return ({_i})
function listSplit(o:objects,i:number,offset:number = 0) :: objects:
	loop {_i} times:
		set {_l::%loop-number%} to (loop-number+{_offset})th element of {_o::*}
	return {_l::*}

# main Gui, where the players are listed
function reports(p:player,page:number=0):
	set {_b} to ({_page}+1)*27 # small calculation, so i can test if the GUI needs another page 
	set {_l::*} to listSplit({reports::list::*},27,{_page}*27) # Page starts at 0
	loop {_l::*}:
		set slot loop-index parsed as number+8 of metadata tag "Reports" of {_p} to skull of loop-value named "%loop-value%"
	set slot 45 of metadata tag "Reports" of {_p} to arrow named "Page %{_page}%" if {_page} > 0
	set slot 49 of metadata tag "Reports" of {_p} to barrier named "&cClose"
	set slot 53 of metadata tag "Reports" of {_p} to arrow named "Page %{_page}+2%" if {reports::list::%{_b}%} is set # This checks if the list is set at that integer, so I don't have useless arrows in it :*
	open (metadata tag "Reports" of {_p}) to {_p}

function playerReport(p:player,pr:offline player,page:number=0):
	set {_b} to ({_page}+1)*27 # for the next Page
	gui({_p},"PlayerReport","%{_pr}'s name%'s reports")
	# I need to reverse the list so i can get the newest reports first
	set {_reports::*} to listSplit((reversed {reports::%{_pr}%::reason::*}),27,{_page}*27)
	set {_reporter::*} to listSplit((reversed {reports::%{_pr}%::reporter::*}),27,{_page}*27)
	set {_time::*} to listSplit((reversed {reports::%{_pr}%::time::*}),27,{_page}*27)
	loop {_reports::*}:
		set slot loop-index parsed as number +8 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to paper named "&6Report ##%loop-index parsed as number+ ({_page}*27)%" with lore "","&7Reason: %loop-index%", split({_reports::%loop-index%}),"", "&7Reported by: %{_reporter::%loop-index%}%" and "&7Date: %{_time::%loop-index%}%"
	set slot 4 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to skull of {_pr} named "%{_pr}%"
	set slot 45 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to arrow named "Page %{_page}%" if {_page} > 0
	set slot 47 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to structure void named "&cDelete all Reports"
	set slot 49 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to book and quill named "&cBack to reports"
	set slot 51 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to light gray glass pane named "&7Suggest features :*"
	set slot 53 of metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p} to arrow named "Page %{_page}+2%" if {reports::%{_pr}%::reason::%{_b}%} is set
	open (metadata tag "PlayerReport" of {_p}) to {_p}

# This basicly makes the lore more readable, i tried to make it nicer and readable, but it always broke
# live with it.... xD

# it basicly create splits a string at words, and tries to create strings which arent longer than 30 characters
# if a word is longer than 30 characters, it splits that word

function split(list:string) :: strings:
	set {_list::*} to {_list} split at " "
	set {_n} to "&7"
	loop {_list::*}:
		set {_m} to loop-value
		while length of {_m} > 30:
			set {_n} to  "%{_n}% %first (30 - length of {_n}) characters of {_m}%"
			add {_n} to {_n::*}
			set {_n} to "&7"
			replace all first 30 characters of  {_m} with "" in {_m}
		set {_n} to "%{_n}% %{_m}%"
		if length of {_n} > 30:
			add {_n} to {_n::*}
			set {_n} to "&7"	
	add {_n} to {_n::*} if {_n} is not ""
	return {_n::*}

function verify(p:player,p2:offline player,id:integer):
	set metadata tag "verify" of {_p} to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&7Do you want to delete this Report?"
	set slot (all numbers between 0 and 26) of metadata tag "verify" of {_p} to light gray stained glass pane named ""
	set slot 10 and 11 of metadata tag "verify" of {_p} to lime glass pane named "&aYES"
	set slot 15 and 16 of metadata tag "verify" of {_p} to red glass pane named "&cNo"
	set slot 4 of metadata tag "verify" of {_p} to skull of {_p2} named "%{_p2}%"
	set slot 13 of metadata tag "verify" of {_p} to paper named "&cAre you sure?"  with lore "&7Are you sure you want", "&7to delete Report ##%{_id}%?"
	open (metadata tag "verify" of {_p}) to {_p}

function deleteReport(pr:player,p:offline player,id:integer):
	# since the ID are reversed inside the gui, to show the newset, i have to calulate which report it actually wants to delete
	# so i take the size+1 and subtract the ID  
	set {_id} to size of {reports::%{_p}%::reason::*}+1-{_id} if {_id} != -1 # -1 is basicly to delete all reports 
	delete {reports::%{_p}%::reason::%{_id}%}
	delete {reports::%{_p}%::reporter::%{_id}%}
	delete {reports::%{_p}%::time::%{_id}%}
	delete {reports::%{_p}%::*} if {_id} = -1 # deletes all of them
	# if player has no reports to show, it shows the main page
	if size of {reports::%{_p}%::reason::*} = 0:
		remove {_p} from {reports::list::*}

# lists index get messed up when you delete a variable in it, so i reset it here
function fixVariable(p:player):
	set {reports::%{_p}%::reason::*} to {reports::%{_p}%::reason::*}
	set {reports::%{_p}%::reporter::*} to {reports::%{_p}%::reporter::*}
	set {reports::%{_p}%::time::*} to {reports::%{_p}%::time::*}

on inventory click:
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "Reports" of player):
		cancel event

		reports(player,(2th element out of (name of event-slot split at " ") parsed as number-1)) if name of event-slot contains "Page"
		close player's inventory if name of event-slot is "&cClose" 
		playerReport(player,name of event-slot parsed as offline player) if size of {reports::%name of event-slot%::reason::*} > 0		
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "PlayerReport" of player):
		cancel event
		reports(player,0) if name of event-slot is "&cBack to Reports" 
		deleteReport(player,(slot 4 of player's current inventory's name parsed as offline player),-1) if name of event-slot is "&cDelete all Reports" 
		if name of event-slot contains "Report ##":
			# gets the ID of the event-slot 
			set {_n} to 2th element out of (name of event-slot split at " ")
			replace all "##" with "" in {_n}
			verify(player,slot 4 of player's current inventory's name parsed as offline player,( {_n} parsed as integer)) 
		playerReport(player,slot 4 of player's current inventory's name parsed as offline player,(2th element out of (name of event-slot split at " ") parsed as number-1)) if name of event-slot contains "Page"
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "verify" of player):	
		cancel event
		playerReport(player,slot 4 of player's current inventory's name parsed as offline player) if name of event-slot is "&cNO"
		if name of event-slot is "&aYES":
			# Need to get the ID secretly :3
			set {_n} to last element of (line 2 of lore of slot 13 of player's current inventory split at " ")
			replace all "##" and "?" with "" in {_n}
			deleteReport(player,slot 4 of player's current inventory's name parsed as offline player,{_n} parsed as integer)

on inventory close:
	# 1.16.1 came with a new feature, that you can press F inside a gui, i made a temp fix here for that 
	set offhand tool to {offhand::%player%} if event-inventory = (metadata tag "Reports" of player)
	set offhand tool to {offhand::%player%} if event-inventory = (metadata tag "PlayerReport" of player)







Edited by Sorbon
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checking all offline players causes a BIG lag spike on big servers. It's a cheap workaround, but this will only check all offline players when the player that's reported isn't online. Increasing preformance a lot when reporting while the reported player is online. It still works for offline players but that still causes lag.

				set {_on} to false
				loop all players:
					if "%player%" is "%arg-1%":
						set {_on} to true
				if {_on} is true:
					add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
					add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
					add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
					add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
					set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
					set {_p} to player
					#Report Message:
					send "{@Prefix} &eYou have reported %arg-1%" 
					send "{@Prefix} &6%player% &ehas reported &6%arg-1% &e<command:/reports>&6&lCLICK<reset>" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
					if "%all offline players%" contains "%arg-1%":
						add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
						add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
						add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
						add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
						set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
						set {_p} to player
						#Report Message:
						send "{@Prefix} &eYou have reported %arg-1%" 
						send "{@Prefix} &6%player% &ehas reported &6%arg-1% &e<command:/reports>&6&lCLICK<reset>" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
						send "{@Prefix} &cThis Player has never played here before"
						#set cooldown even when an invalid player was given to prevent people spamming it and causing massive lag
						set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now



Edited by Ikbenmathijs
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4 hours ago, Ikbenmathijs said:

checking all offline players causes a BIG lag spike on big servers. It's a cheap workaround, but this will only check all offline players when the player that's reported isn't online. Increasing preformance a lot when reporting while the reported player is online. It still works for offline players but that still causes lag.

				set {_on} to false
				loop all players:
					if "%player%" is "%arg-1%":
						set {_on} to true
				if {_on} is true:
					add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
					add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
					add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
					add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
					set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
					set {_p} to player
					#Report Message:
					send "{@Prefix} &eYou have reported %arg-1%" 
					send "{@Prefix} &6%player% &ehas reported &6%arg-1% &e<command:/reports>&6&lCLICK<reset>" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
					if "%all offline players%" contains "%arg-1%":
						add arg-1 to {reports::list::*} if {reports::list::*} does not contain arg-1
						add arg-2 to {reports::%arg-1%::reason::*}
						add player to {reports::%arg-1%::reporter::*}
						add now to {reports::%arg-1%::time::*}
						set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now
						set {_p} to player
						#Report Message:
						send "{@Prefix} &eYou have reported %arg-1%" 
						send "{@Prefix} &6%player% &ehas reported &6%arg-1% &e<command:/reports>&6&lCLICK<reset>" to all players where [input has permission "{@permission}"]
						send "{@Prefix} &cThis Player has never played here before"
						#set cooldown even when an invalid player was given to prevent people spamming it and causing massive lag
						set {reports::%arg-1%::last} to now



Thank you very much for your comment

"%all offline players%" has been replaced with another way;


                set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 has played before
                set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 is online
                if {_hasPlayed} is set:


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On 2/19/2020 at 9:49 PM, Sorbon said:

Thank you very much for your comment

"%all offline players%" has been replaced with another way;


                set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 has played before
                set {_hasPlayed} to 1 if arg-1 is online
                if {_hasPlayed} is set:


Thanks for the update! Now it doesn't lag even when reporting an offline player!


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command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	cooldown: {@cooldown}
	cooldown message: {@CooldownMessage}
	cooldown bypass: {@CooldownBypass}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>"
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>"

you can just put

usage: &cUsage: /report <player> <reason>

before the trigger, no need for any of that "if arg-1 is not set" stuff

VIP since January 7th, 2020

Support since September 19th, 2020

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On 7/13/2020 at 3:35 PM, Sorbon said:

Good morning/evening

For the people who use this Skript, pls use the new version now
It contains some fixes for the 1.16 and also doesnt need TuSke anymore



skReport.sk 8.35 kB · 6 downloads

Thanks for the update! I really like that you're using vanilla GUIs now, because they're way less buggy than TuSke GUIs! The code is also much cleaner, though I reccomend making more comments in the code with public scripts so people can read what's happening :p.


Anyways it gave a warning about line 119. You forgot to use "and" instead of ",".

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4 hours ago, Ikbenmathijs said:

Thanks for the update! I really like that you're using vanilla GUIs now, because they're way less buggy than TuSke GUIs! The code is also much cleaner, though I reccomend making more comments in the code with public scripts so people can read what's happening :p.


Anyways it gave a warning about line 119. You forgot to use "and" instead of ",".

i added some comments in the code which shows in the post

not in the  file yet, but I will do that and fix the List error (I had disabled them xD) 

when i find the time, thanks for saying 

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23 hours ago, Sorbon said:

i added some comments in the code which shows in the post

not in the  file yet, but I will do that and fix the List error (I had disabled them xD) 

when i find the time, thanks for saying 

Wait you can disable them?!?


I should REALLY do that because it's really annoying (and I don't want to be reminded every time that my code sucks :p)

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On 7/13/2020 at 10:31 PM, TheGoose said:

command /report [<offline player>] [<text>]:
	cooldown: {@cooldown}
	cooldown message: {@CooldownMessage}
	cooldown bypass: {@CooldownBypass}
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>"
			if arg-2 is not set:
				send "&cUsage: /report <player> <reason>"

you can just put

usage: &cUsage: /report <player> <reason>

before the trigger, no need for any of that "if arg-1 is not set" stuff

the default usage message for skript is very inflexible, although there are better ways of doing what he's done

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