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I'm trying to do code a CPS check, but I can get a really high number by breaking a ton of blocks(holding) in creative. Is it possible to get the actual cps of a player. Thanks(btw, i'm adding 1 to a CPS counter every time a player clicks)

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Here's something I'd do
It's mostly accurate, shouldn't show any CPS higher than the player's actual CPS, isn't 100% accurate though. Try it out, if it doesn't work, then try editing it and see what happens

on join:
	while player is online:
		set {cps::%player's uuid%} to floor({clicks::%player's uuid%}/3)
		set {clicks::%player's uuid%} to 0
		set tab list name of player to "%player% &7| &a%{cps::%player's uuid%}%&a CPS"
		wait 3 seconds

on click:
	set {clicks::%player's uuid%} to 0 if {clicks::%player's uuid%} is not set
	add 1 to {clicks::%player's uuid%}

command /cps:
		send "&7Your CPS is: &l%{cps::%player's uuid%}%"

If you don't want to be spoonfed,
I'd say just make it so each time they click it adds to a variable and every x seconds it sets the cps to the clicks/x

Edited by 91919
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