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Look im not saying this a false ban or unfair ban im saying it more of a "okay ban but it feels unfair" Im Just want staff to give  a option on this? On this Sever I Got Permannlly banned for Predory behavior for saying  "where your school" affer a kid spaming for 30min i got annyoing an out of steress I Be Bully alot of time in the past friend in friends so i feel exluded alot of time So i have one question to ask you If you not the main resson for the ban you souldent be perm banned? So like if you modratoring on a minecraft sever an some otther Modrator cause but the 2nd one got a warning an the 1st got a demoted? Do you think that a little harsh I Do you think that little harsh Even if it wasnt you fault? Most people will said yes it little harsh an the modrator might think they being betray by his own staff at the time Even if it was there fault But people do make mistake out of anger of steress if it goes for long So you not ingore the main cause? Okay So let good back to my story I got Banned For Predory behavior I Like calling It a bully ban issue is dosent mean it unfair  it just feel Unfair So i was trying to be kind an help a kid to get lesser mute but of course it backfire an he started to get mad an spaming I HATE YOU For 30min stright i got mad an got fed up with it i wasnt even recording at the time so i said "where you school" Do you think i desvere to be ban permnally even thought it wasnt my fault is was somone elese fault that made that mistake? Because if you said yes Doing a bully ban even thought it not you fault yes it you fault for making the mistake but it not you fault for causing it  So? Do you think i desvere to be banned over 400 sever for somthing that wasnt cause by me an the otther guy got me more pushmeant Okay If you a good admin there will do this


1st Fiquire Out the main cause If it somone did that if not sure just ask

2nd: Try to be ressonble Dont be Like oh this guy have good intetions but lets perm banned anyway he broke a rule

3rd try to make the ban fair: If you have perm banned do theam both of theam i dont care if the offece it minor banned both of theam for the same durition

4th take alittle time to get to know the person just msg him on private msg: So there will tell you they side of the story maybe 


But plz  dont let people get perm banned because if it was his fault but somone elese cause it an they got less pushmeant yea im just going to ban evade no  offences so the banned feel more unfair then a pushmeant to be 100% Honsent


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