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does anyone know why my rank skript doesnt work


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on first join:
    set {rank::%player's uuid%} to "default" 

on join:
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is not set:
        set {rank::%player's uuid%} to "default"

on chat:
    cancel event
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "default":
        broadcast formatted "&7[Default] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "vip":
        broadcast formatted "&6[VIP] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "jrmod":
        broadcast formatted "&b[Jr.Mod] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "mod":
        broadcast formatted "&3[Mod] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "admin":
        broadcast formatted "&c[Admin] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "senioradmin":
        broadcast formatted "&4[SeniorAdmin] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "builder":
        broadcast formatted "&a[Builder] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "coowner":
        broadcast formatted "&2[Co-Owner] &f%player%: &f%message%" 
    if {rank::%player's uuid%} is "owner":
        broadcast formatted "&1[Owner] &f%player%: &f%message%" 

command /setrank <player> <string>:
    permission: op
    permission message: &cYou can't execute this command!
        if arg-2 = "default":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&8[&7Default&8]&7"
        if arg-2 = "vip":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "§x§F§F§6§7§0§0[&6VIP§x§F§F§6§7§0§0]"
        if arg-2 = "jrmod":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&3[&bJr.Mod&3]&b"
        if arg-2 = "mod":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&9[&3Mod&9]&3"
        if arg-2 = "admin":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&4[&cAdmin&4]&c"
        if arg-2 = "senioradmin":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "§x§5§3§0§0§0§0[&4Senior Admin§x§5§3§0§0§0§0]&4"
        if arg-2 = "builder":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "&2[&aBuilder&2]&a"
        if arg-2 = "coowner":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "§x§0§8§3§D§0§0[&2Co-Owner§x§0§8§3§D§0§0]&2"
        if arg-2 = "owner":
            set {rank::%arg-1's uuid%} to "§x§0§0§F§F§6§4[§x§0§0§F§F§9§4O§x§0§0§F§F§C§5W§x§0§0§F§F§F§5N§x§0§1§A§D§F§7E§x§0§2§5§C§F§8R§x§0§3§0§A§F§A]"

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