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"return" in a function isn't working.


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For some reason all the items have <none> as the cost (example: "Tier 1 Generator ($<none>)"

I don't have much experience with functions in skript, so I don't know why it's happening.

command /servershop:
	permission: wirednetwork.servershop
	permission message: &cYou don't have permission to run this command.
	executable by: players

function shopGUI(p: player):
	set {_gui} to chest inventory with 6 rows named "WiredGens Shop"

	set slot (integers between 0 and 54) of {_gui} to gray stained glass pane named " "
	set slot 10 of {_gui} to white stained glass named "&rTier 1 Generator (&a$%{getGenCost()}%&r)"
	set slot 12 of {_gui} to command block named "&rGen Slot (&a%{getSlotCost(%{_p}%)}% tokens&r)"
	set slot 14 of {_gui} to blaze rod named "&rSellwand (&a%{getSellwandCost()}% tokens&r)"
	set slot 16 of {_gui} to paper named "&rRanks"
	open {_gui} to {_p}

on inventory click:
	name of event-inventory is "WiredGens Shop"
	cancel event
	event-inventory is not player's inventory
	if clicked slot is 10:
		make player execute command "/buygen"
	if clicked slot is 12:
		make player execute command "/buygenslots"
	if clicked slot is 14:
		make player execute command "/buysellwand"
	if clicked slot is 16:
		close player's inventory
		make player execute command "/ranks"
#This is what one of the functions looks like

function getGenCost() :: number:
	#cost is set in the options at the beginning of this script
	return {@cost}


Owner of WiredGens (wiredgens.minehut.gg)


Plugin Developer and Skripter

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I don't see why you need to run a function that just returns {@cost}, I would replace the function with just simply {@cost}. But, I can see maybe it being run when the cost option is not set in another file, so I think the easiest fix is

function getGenCost() :: number:
	return "{@cost}"

Remember skript see's options as a text, which is the reason the below works

	command: skriptcommand
	message: Message set in options
command /{@command}:
		send "{@message}"

Let me know

If I helped you at all please consider boosting my account with the follow button!
Minehut ♥ [VIP] 12/19/2020 - Present

I am either extremely active or not lol.


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15 hours ago, JoshG said:

I don't see why you need to run a function that just returns {@cost}, I would replace the function with just simply {@cost}. But, I can see maybe it being run when the cost option is not set in another file, so I think the easiest fix is

function getGenCost() :: number:
	return "{@cost}"

Remember skript see's options as a text, which is the reason the below works

	command: skriptcommand
	message: Message set in options
command /{@command}:
		send "{@message}"

Let me know

It still does the same thing.

It also give me this error:     This function is declared to return a number, but "250" is not of that type.

Edited by xWires

Owner of WiredGens (wiredgens.minehut.gg)


Plugin Developer and Skripter

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Odd, try this

function getGenCost():
	return "{@cost}"


If I helped you at all please consider boosting my account with the follow button!
Minehut ♥ [VIP] 12/19/2020 - Present

I am either extremely active or not lol.


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5 hours ago, JoshG said:

Odd, try this

function getGenCost():
	return "{@cost}"


Now I get this:


[08:55:57 INFO]: [Skript] Reloading buyGen.sk...

[08:55:57 INFO]: Line 19: (buyGen.sk)

[08:55:57 INFO]: This function doesn't return any value. Please use 'stop' or 'exit' if you want to stop the function.

[08:55:57 INFO]: Line: return "{@cost}"

[08:55:57 INFO]:

[08:55:57 INFO]: [Skript] Encountered 1 error while reloading buyGen.sk! (7ms)

Owner of WiredGens (wiredgens.minehut.gg)


Plugin Developer and Skripter

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I fixed it by setting a variable to the result of the function then using that in the string instead.


set {_genCost} to getGenCost()
set slot 10 of {_gui} to white stained glass named "&rTier 1 Generator (&a$%{_genCost}%&r)"


Edited by xWires

Owner of WiredGens (wiredgens.minehut.gg)


Plugin Developer and Skripter

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