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[REV] Moderation platform


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Tired of using permission plugins that don't work? Well, Rev is here to help you out :)
With 6 FULLY customizable ranks, you can take your server to the next level!
  • /staffmode - ADVANCED
  • /ban
  • /unban
  • /seeban
  • /banlist
  • /kick
  • /tp - ADVANCED
  • /freeze
  • /warn - ADVANCED
  • /warns
  • /removewarns
Setting up is simple with these steps:
1. Download Skript
2. Copy and paste the code into a file
3. Reload the file
4. Do the command "/usages" for a list of the commands
5. Edit the ranks for your specific server


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Nice but you should look into using list variables for a lot of those stuff.

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Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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Basically a list is much more cleaner and it will make deleting stuff easier.

!delete {var.*} - This will not work, requires deletion through variable.csv now imagine if you have 1k variables
!delete {var::*} - This will work, no hastle!

You may say, omg that's not gonna make any difference!
Now, what about your {freeze.%player%}, you're only setting them to true and false, now imagine the dozens of variables that will stay in your variable.csv.

EHH, I'll just delete the variables in the variable.csv!
Do note that editing the file is very dangerous, it may corrupt your whole variable file

What will happen if there's alot of variables?
It will result in the warning where your variables are gonna take awhile to save and if the server crashes it will result in some variables not saving.


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