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loop not triggering after 2nd time. [skript help]


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on right click holding blue ice:
	message "activited water summoning ability"
	apply potion of dolphins grace of tier 1 without particles to player for 10 seconds
	set {_originalLocation} to player's location
	loop all blocks in radius 10 around player:
		if loop-block is air:
			set block at loop-block to water
	wait 10 seconds
	broadcast "times up"
	loop all blocks in radius 11 around {_orignalLocation}:
		if loop-block is water:
			broadcast "water"
			set block at loop-block to air
			broadcast "Not water"

Like the title says, the first loop works, but after that, both the "water" and "not water" broadcasts are not being sent.
the "times up" is being sent, just not the second loop.

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debug your code, work out which line isn't being executed, then you know what line isn't being executed and can fix it or you can reply here with which line isn't being executed

Edited by ApexSplat

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