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the example given is: teleport player to 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 in world "world"

player = the entity you want to teleport so for example if you want to teleport the last spawned entity use last spawned entity

0.5, 0.5, 0.5 = the coordinates you want to teleport the entity to so in your case it would be 63, 105, 29

"world" = the world you want to teleport the entity to so as an example if you want to teleport them to the nether it would be "world_nether"


Now just put it inside an on click event and make sure to teleport the target entity:

on click:
	if target entity is a player:
		if name of player's held item is "&6Jail Hammer":
			# insert teleport here


Edited by ApexSplat

Discord: Dead#6905

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on load:
	set {hammer} to iron axe named "&6Jail Hammer"
	set {jail} to location 63, 105, 29 in world "world"

on attack:
	if victim is a player:
		if attacker is a player:
			if attacker is holding {hammer}:
				teleport victim to {jail}

This is how I'd do it. Note that most Skript I know is 1.18.2

On load: when the skript is loaded (server startup, skript reload)
On attack: when anentity attacks another entity

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14 hours ago, xcfgdfg said:
on load:
	set {hammer} to iron axe named "&6Jail Hammer"
	set {jail} to location 63, 105, 29 in world "world"

on attack:
	if victim is a player:
		if attacker is a player:
			if attacker is holding {hammer}:
				teleport victim to {jail}

This is how I'd do it. Note that most Skript I know is 1.18.2

On load: when the skript is loaded (server startup, skript reload)
On attack: when anentity attacks another entity


On 4/29/2023 at 5:35 PM, ApexSplat said:


the example given is: teleport player to 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 in world "world"

player = the entity you want to teleport so for example if you want to teleport the last spawned entity use last spawned entity

0.5, 0.5, 0.5 = the coordinates you want to teleport the entity to so in your case it would be 63, 105, 29

"world" = the world you want to teleport the entity to so as an example if you want to teleport them to the nether it would be "world_nether"


Now just put it inside an on click event and make sure to teleport the target entity:

on click:
	if target entity is a player:
		if name of player's held item is "&6Jail Hammer":
			# insert teleport here


thank you both for your input

i did this:

on rightclick on entity holding Diamond Axe:
	if player has permission "hammer.use":
		player is holding a Diamond Axe named "&4Jail Hammer"
		cancel event
		if entity is a player:
			teleport entity to location(63, 105, 28)
			execute console command "/jail entity jail1"
			broadcast "&4&l%entity% got jailed by %player%"


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