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A simple spawn command


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command /setspawn:
	aliases: setlobby
	permission: spawn.set
		set {spawn} to player's location
		send "&aSpawn has successfully been set to your location!" to player
		play sound "minecraft:blocks.note_block.pling" for player

command /spawn [<player>]:
	aliases: lobby
  		if {spawn} isn't set:
  			send "&cSpawn hasn't been set!" to player
  			play sound "minecraft:blocks.note_block.didgeridoo" for player
  		if arg-1 is set:
  			if arg-1 isn't online:
  				send "&cThat's not a player!" to player
  				play sound "minecraft:blocks.note_block.didgeridoo" for player
  			if player has permission "spawn.tpothers":
  				teleport arg-1 to {spawn}
  				send "&aYou have been teleported to spawn by &f%player%&a." to arg-1
  				send "&aSuccessfully teleported &f%arg-1%&a to spawn!" to player
  				play sound "minecraft:blocks.note_block.pling" for player and arg-1
  				send "&cYou do not have the permission to teleport others to spawn!" to player
  				play sound "minecraft:blocks.note_block.didgeridoo" for player
  		teleport player to {spawn}
  		send "&aYou have been teleported to spawn!" to player
  		play sound "minecraft:blocks.note_block.pling" for player

Sure you could do it a bit better, but I included some sounds and stuff. Haven't tried it tho.

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