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Can anyone make me a skript?


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command /rtp:
	cooldown: 2 hours
	cooldown message: &4Stop! &cYou can only teleport to a random location every 2 hours.
	permission: rtp.use
	permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command
		set {_x} to round(random number between -100000 and 100000)
		set {_z} to round(random number between -100000 and 100000)
		set {_block} to block at location at ({_x}, 0, {_z}) in world event-world
		loop all blocks above {_block}:
			if loop-block is air:
				block below loop-block is not water
				block below loop-block is not air
				if block above loop-block is air:
					teleport player to loop-block
					send "&aTeleported to a random location" to player

command /ta [<text>]:
       permission: admin.tools
       permission message: You shall &4&lNot &7&rPass!
              execute console command "/clear %player%"
              execute console command "/mail send dantdm18320 %player% has used the &e&lADMIN TOOLS &r&a Program &rfor the reason &2%arg-1%"
              give player diamond axe named "&a&kH&r&c&lBan &4&lHammer&a&kH&r"
              give player stick named "&5&kP&r&c&lMute&5&kP&r"
              give player netherite ingot named "&a&kP&r&b&lKick Player&a&kP&r"
              set slot 8 of player's inventory to  barrier named "&cExit"
              set slot 3 of player's inventory to  iron bars named "&6&lPurgatory &c&lPlayer"
              set slot 4 of player's inventory to  book named "&a&lJudge &c&lPlayer"
              set slot 5 of player's inventory to diamond named "&a&lWarn Player"
on damage:
    if attacker's weapon is diamond axe named "&a&kH&r&c&lBan &4&lHammer&a&kH&r":
        execute console command "/ban %victim%"
        send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully banned!" to attacker
on damage:
     if attacker's weapon is stick named "&5&kP&r&c&lMute&5&kP&r":
          execute console command "mute %victim%"
          send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully muted" to attacker
on damage:
     if attacker's weapon is netherite ingot named "&a&kP&r&b&lKick Player&a&kP&r":
          execute console command "kick %victim%"
          send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully Kicked!" to attacker
on right-click:
		if event-item is barrier named "&cExit":
				execute console command "/clear %player%"
				send "&cExited the &e&lADMIN TOOLS &r&aprogram."
on damage:
		if attacker's weapon is iron bars named "&6&lPurgatory &c&lPlayer":
				execute console command "/purgatory %victim%"
				send "&a(TA)&c: &2Sent them to &6Purgatory&c!" to attacker
on damage:
		if attacker's weapon is book named "&a&lJudge &c&lPlayer":
				execute console command "/jail %victim% court"
				send "&a(TA)&c: &2Sent them to &6Court&c!" to attacker
				execute console command "/warp court %attacker%"
				send "&c(&a!&c)&6: &cYou are now in court." to victim
on damage:
     if attacker's weapon is diamond named "&a&lWarn Player":
          execute console command "/warn %victim% AdminTools Warn"
          send "&c(ALERT):&a Successfully Warned!" to attacker

Okay so you can use /rtp to random teleport and /ta to get admin tools, remember that people you want to be able to use the admin command needs the permission "admin.tools

- Ranks -

Tester - 01/08/2023

[VIP] - 05/12/2023

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