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Skript Purgatory (ESSENTIALS NEEDED)


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so first set a jail so do /setjail purgatory

ok then in skripts make a skript named purgatory.sk

ok paste this in it.

command /purgatory [<player>] [<text>]:
       permission: purgban.use
       permission message: You shall &4&lNot &7&rPass!
       usage: Usage: [<player>] [<reason>]
              send "&cSent them to purgatory." to player
              execute console command "clear %arg-1%"
              execute console command "/jail %arg-1% purgatory 1m"
              give stone axe named "&ePrison Axe" to arg-1
              give compass named "&cRequest another stone axe" to arg-1
              send "&c You are in purgatory." to arg-1
              send "&eMine the pumpkins and shear them to be released." to arg-1
              give shears named "&dPrison Knife" to arg-1
              wait 1 second
              send "&c You are free to mine now!" to arg-1
              send "&eAlso the reason for your jail was &c%arg-2% &edo /mail send dantdm18320 (complaint) if you think this is wrong." to arg-1
on rightclick with compass:
    if name of tool of player is "&cRequest another stone axe":
        give stone axe named "&ePrison Axe" to player
        give shears named "&dPrison Knife" to player
        send "&aSuccess!" to player


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