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can anyone make me a /shop gui skript


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defense - (stonebricks=$5k name:&7&lTier 1 Defense block) (basalt-$20k name:&7&lTier 2 Defense block) (polisheddeepslate-$100k name:&7&lTier 3 Defense block) (irontrapdoor-$25k name:&f&lTier 2 Trapdoor) (beacon-$20k name:&b&lRespawn Block)

gens - (white_glazed_terracotta=$100 name:&fWhite Generator &8[&6T1&8])

raiding - (blaze rod=100tokens name:&6&lRaid Tool Tier I) (blaze rod=200tokens name:&6&lRaid Tool Tier II) (blaze rod=300 tokens name:&6&lRaid Tool Tier III)

token - (paper=50 tokens name:&e+0.1 Multiplier "use {multiplier::%player's uuid%} to add 0.1 to multiplier) (bone=100tokens name:&6&lSellwand x1) (bone=200tokens name:&6&lSellwand x2) (bone=350tokens name:&6&lSellwand x3) (paper=50 tokens name:&e+1 Gen Slot "use {gen::cap::%player's uuid%} and add 1 to that)

misc - (chest=$500) (waterbucket=$100) (hopper=$5k) (torch=$10) (sign=$50) (ladder=$50)

blocks - (sandstone=$10) (cobblestone=$10) (glass=$10) (stone=$10) (sand=$10) (ice=$10) (soulsand=$10)

equiment - image.png.cea82b1129b42c86505e50581e25323a.pngleather armour 1k each chainmill armour 5k each iron armour 15k each stone tools 2.5k each iron tools 15k each diamond tools 250k each


tokens to use for it {tokens::%player's uuid%}

economy to use for it {balance::%player's uuid%}

example if you bought something "remove 10 from {balance::%player's uuid%}"

can it also have a back button at the bottom left of the gui

Edited by SPINNERZ
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	shopname: &6&lShop
	defname: &a&lDefense
	genname: &b&lGens
	raidname: &6&lRaiding
	tokname: &1&lToken
	miscname: &2&lMiscellaneous
	blockname: &3&lBlocks
	armname: &5&lEquipment
	msg: &8[&3Shop&8] &3

function buyMoney(p: player, i: integer, m: string, it: itemtype):
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {balance::%{_uuid}%} >= {_i}:
		remove {_i} from {balance::%{_uuid}%}
		give {_p} {_it} named {_m}
		send "{@msg}Bought 1 %{_m}% &3for $%{_i}%" to {_p}
		send "{@msg}Too poor" to {_p}

function buyTokens(p: player, i: integer, m: string, it: itemtype):
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {tokens::%{_uuid}%} >= {_i}:
		remove {_i} from {tokens::%{_uuid}%}
		give {_p} {_it} named {_m}
		send "{@msg}Bought 1 %{_m}% &3for %{_i}% &3tokens" to {_p}
		send "{@msg}Too poor" to {_p}

command /shop:
		set metadata tag "shop" of player to chest inventory with 1 row named "{@shopname}"
		set slot 0 of metadata tag "shop" of player to iron bars named "{@defname}"
		set slot 1 of metadata tag "shop" of player to hay bale named "{@genname}"
		set slot 2 of metadata tag "shop" of player to tnt named "{@raidname}"
		set slot 3 of metadata tag "shop" of player to magma cream named "{@tokname}"
		set slot 4 of metadata tag "shop" of player to rose bush named "{@miscname}"
		set slot 5 of metadata tag "shop" of player to grass block named "{@blockname}"
		set slot 6 of metadata tag "shop" of player to diamond sword named "{@armname}"
		open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player

on inventory click:
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shop" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 0:
			set metadata tag "shopDef" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@defname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to stone brick named "&7&lTier 1 Defense Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to basalt named "&7&lTier 2 Defense Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $20k" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to polished deepslate named "&7&lTier 3 Defense Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $100k" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to iron trapdoor named "&f&lTier 2 Trapdoor" with lore "", "&aPrice: $25k" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to beacon named "&b&lRespawn Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $20k" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopDef" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 1:
			set metadata tag "shopGen" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@genname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopGen" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopGen" of player to white glazed terracotta named "&fWhite Generator &8[&6T1&8]" with lore "", "&aPrice: $100" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopGen" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopGen" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 2:
			set metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@raidname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to blaze rod named "&6&lRaid Tool Tier I" with lore "", "&aPrice: 100 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to blaze rod named "&6&lRaid Tool Tier II" with lore "", "&aPrice: 200 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to blaze rod named "&6&lRaid Tool Tier III" with lore "", "&aPrice: 300 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopRaid" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 3:
			set metadata tag "shopToken" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@tokname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to paper named "&e+0.1 Multiplier" with lore "", "&aPrice: 50 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to bone named "&6&lSellwand x1" with lore "", "&aPrice: 100 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to bone named "&6&lSellwand x2" with lore "", "&aPrice: 200 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to bone named "&6&lSellwand x3" with lore "", "&aPrice: 350 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to paper named "&e+1 Gen Slot" with lore "", "&aPrice 50 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopToken" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 4:
			set metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@miscname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to chest with lore "", "&aPrice: $500" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to water bucket with lore "", "&aPrice: $100" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to hopper with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to torch with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to oak sign with lore "", "&aPrice: $50" and ""
			set slot 15 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to ladder with lore "", "&aPrice: $50" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopMisc" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 5:
			set metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@blockname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to sandstone with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to cobblestone with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to glass with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to stone with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to sand with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 15 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to ice with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 16 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to soul sand with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopBlock" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 6:
			set metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@armname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather helmet named "&fLeather Helmet" with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail helmet with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron helmet with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone sword with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone pickaxe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 15 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone axe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 16 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone shovel with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 19 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather chestplate with hidden attribute flag named "&fLeather Chestplate" with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 20 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail chestplate with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 21 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron chestplate with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 22 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron sword with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 23 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron pickaxe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 24 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron axe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 25 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron shovel with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 28 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather leggings with hidden attribute flag named "&fLeather Leggings" with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 29 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail leggings with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 30 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron leggings with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 31 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond sword with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 32 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond pickaxe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 33 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond axe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 34 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond shovel with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 37 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather boots with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 38 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail boots with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 39 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron boots with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopEquip" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopDef" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&7&lTier 1 Defense Block", stone brick)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 20000, "&7&lTier 2 Defense Block", basalt)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 100000, "&7&lTier 3 Defense Block", polished deepslate)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 25000, "&f&lTier 2 Trapdoor", iron trapdoor)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 20000, "&b&lRespawn Block", beacon)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopGen" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 100, "&fWhite Generator &8[&6T1&8]", white glazed terracotta)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopRaid" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyTokens(player, 100, "&6&lRaid Tool Tier I", blaze rod)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyTokens(player, 200, "&6&lRaid Tool Tier II", blaze rod)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyTokens(player, 300, "&6&lRaid Tool Tier III", blaze rod)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopToken" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyTokens(player, 50, "&e+0.1 Multiplier", paper)
			add 0.1 to {multiplier::%player's uuid%}
			send "{@msg}Added 0.1 to your multiplier. Your multiplier is now %{multiplier::%player's uuid%}%"
			remove 1 paper named "&e+0.1 Multiplier" from player's inventory
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyTokens(player, 100, "&6&lSellwand x1", bone)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyTokens(player, 200, "&6&lSellwand x2", bone)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyTokens(player, 350, "&6&lSellwand x3", bone)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyTokens(player, 50, "&e+1 Gen Slot", paper)
			add 1 to {gen::cap::%player's uuid%}
			send "{@msg}Added 1 to your gen cap. Your gen cap is now %{gen::cap::%player's uuid%}%"
			remove 1 paper named "&e+1 Gen Slot" from player's inventory
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopMisc" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 500, "&fChest", chest)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 100, "&fWater Bucket", water bucket)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fHopper", hopper)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fTorch", torch)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 50, "&fOak Sign", oak sign)
		if index of event-slot is 15:
			buyMoney(player, 50, "&fLadder", ladder)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopBlock" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fSandstone", sandstone)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fCobblestone", cobblestone)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fGlass", glass)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fStone", stone)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fSand", sand)
		if index of event-slot is 15:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fIce", ice)
		if index of event-slot is 16:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fSoul Sand", soul sand)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopEquip" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Helmet", leather helmet)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Helmet", chainmail helmet)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Helmet", iron helmet)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Sword", stone sword)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Pickaxe", stone pickaxe)
		if index of event-slot is 15:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Axe", stone axe)
		if index of event-slot is 16:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Shovel", stone shovel)
		if index of event-slot is 19:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Chestplate", leather chestplate)
		if index of event-slot is 20:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Chestplate", chainmail chestplate)
		if index of event-slot is 21:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Chestplate", iron chestplate)
		if index of event-slot is 22:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Sword", iron sword)
		if index of event-slot is 23:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Pickaxe", iron pickaxe)
		if index of event-slot is 24:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Axe", iron axe)
		if index of event-slot is 25:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Shovel", iron shovel)
		if index of event-slot is 28:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Leggings", leather leggings)
		if index of event-slot is 29:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Leggings", chainmail leggings)
		if index of event-slot is 30:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Leggings", iron leggings)
		if index of event-slot is 31:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Sword", diamond sword)
		if index of event-slot is 32:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Pickaxe", diamond pickaxe)
		if index of event-slot is 33:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Axe", diamond axe)
		if index of event-slot is 34:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Shovel", diamond shovel)
		if index of event-slot is 37:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Boots", leather boots)
		if index of event-slot is 38:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Boots", chainmail boots)
		if index of event-slot is 39:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Boots", iron boots)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player


Discord: Dead#6905

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	shopname: &6&lShop
	defname: &a&lDefense
	genname: &b&lGens
	raidname: &6&lRaiding
	tokname: &1&lToken
	miscname: &2&lMiscellaneous
	blockname: &3&lBlocks
	armname: &5&lEquipment
	msg: &8[&3Shop&8] &3

function buyMoney(p: player, i: integer, m: string, it: itemtype):
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {balance::%{_uuid}%} >= {_i}:
		remove {_i} from {balance::%{_uuid}%}
		give {_p} {_it} named {_m}
		send "{@msg}Bought 1 %{_m}% &3for $%{_i}%" to {_p}
		send "{@msg}Too poor" to {_p}

function buyTokens(p: player, i: integer, m: string, it: itemtype):
	set {_uuid} to uuid of {_p}
	if {tokens::%{_uuid}%} >= {_i}:
		remove {_i} from {tokens::%{_uuid}%}
		give {_p} {_it} named {_m}
		send "{@msg}Bought 1 %{_m}% &3for %{_i}% &3tokens" to {_p}
		if {_m} is "&e+0.1 Multiplier":
			add 0.1 to {multiplier::%{_uuid}%}
			send "{@msg}Added 0.1 to your multiplier. Your multiplier is now %{multiplier::%{_uuid}%}%" to {_p}
			remove 1 paper named "&e+0.1 Multiplier" from {_p}'s inventory
		if {_m} is "&e+1 Gen Slot":
			add 1 to {gen::cap::%{_uuid}%}
			send "{@msg}Added 1 to your gen cap. Your gen cap is now %{gen::cap::%{_uuid}%}%" to {_p}
			remove 1 paper named "&e+1 Gen Slot" from {_p}'s inventory
		send "{@msg}Too poor" to {_p}

command /shop:
		set metadata tag "shop" of player to chest inventory with 1 row named "{@shopname}"
		set slot 0 of metadata tag "shop" of player to iron bars named "{@defname}"
		set slot 1 of metadata tag "shop" of player to hay bale named "{@genname}"
		set slot 2 of metadata tag "shop" of player to tnt named "{@raidname}"
		set slot 3 of metadata tag "shop" of player to magma cream named "{@tokname}"
		set slot 4 of metadata tag "shop" of player to rose bush named "{@miscname}"
		set slot 5 of metadata tag "shop" of player to grass block named "{@blockname}"
		set slot 6 of metadata tag "shop" of player to diamond sword named "{@armname}"
		open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player

on inventory click:
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shop" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 0:
			set metadata tag "shopDef" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@defname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to stone brick named "&7&lTier 1 Defense Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to basalt named "&7&lTier 2 Defense Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $20k" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to polished deepslate named "&7&lTier 3 Defense Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $100k" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to iron trapdoor named "&f&lTier 2 Trapdoor" with lore "", "&aPrice: $25k" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to beacon named "&b&lRespawn Block" with lore "", "&aPrice: $20k" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopDef" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopDef" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 1:
			set metadata tag "shopGen" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@genname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopGen" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopGen" of player to white glazed terracotta named "&fWhite Generator &8[&6T1&8]" with lore "", "&aPrice: $100" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopGen" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopGen" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 2:
			set metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@raidname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to blaze rod named "&6&lRaid Tool Tier I" with lore "", "&aPrice: 100 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to blaze rod named "&6&lRaid Tool Tier II" with lore "", "&aPrice: 200 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to blaze rod named "&6&lRaid Tool Tier III" with lore "", "&aPrice: 300 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopRaid" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopRaid" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 3:
			set metadata tag "shopToken" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@tokname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to paper named "&e+0.1 Multiplier" with lore "", "&aPrice: 50 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to bone named "&6&lSellwand x1" with lore "", "&aPrice: 100 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to bone named "&6&lSellwand x2" with lore "", "&aPrice: 200 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to bone named "&6&lSellwand x3" with lore "", "&aPrice: 350 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to paper named "&e+1 Gen Slot" with lore "", "&aPrice 50 Tokens" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopToken" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopToken" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 4:
			set metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@miscname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to chest with lore "", "&aPrice: $500" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to water bucket with lore "", "&aPrice: $100" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to hopper with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to torch with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to oak sign with lore "", "&aPrice: $50" and ""
			set slot 15 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to ladder with lore "", "&aPrice: $50" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopMisc" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopMisc" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 5:
			set metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@blockname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to sandstone with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to cobblestone with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to glass with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to stone with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to sand with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 15 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to ice with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 16 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to soul sand with lore "", "&aPrice: $10" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopBlock" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopBlock" of player) to player
		if index of event-slot is 6:
			set metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@armname}"
			set slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 26, 27, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to black stained glass pane
			set slot 10 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather helmet named "&fLeather Helmet" with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 11 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail helmet with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 12 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron helmet with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 13 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone sword with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 14 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone pickaxe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 15 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone axe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 16 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to stone shovel with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $2.5k" and ""
			set slot 19 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather chestplate with hidden attribute flag named "&fLeather Chestplate" with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 20 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail chestplate with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 21 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron chestplate with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 22 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron sword with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 23 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron pickaxe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 24 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron axe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 25 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron shovel with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 28 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather leggings with hidden attribute flag named "&fLeather Leggings" with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 29 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail leggings with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 30 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron leggings with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 31 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond sword with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 32 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond pickaxe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 33 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond axe with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 34 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to diamond shovel with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $250k" and ""
			set slot 37 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to leather boots with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $1k" and ""
			set slot 38 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to chainmail boots with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $5k" and ""
			set slot 39 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to iron boots with hidden attribute flag with lore "", "&aPrice: $15k" and ""
			set slot 45 of metadata tag "shopEquip" of player to barrier named "&c&lBack"
			open (metadata tag "shopEquip" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopDef" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&7&lTier 1 Defense Block", stone brick)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 20000, "&7&lTier 2 Defense Block", basalt)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 100000, "&7&lTier 3 Defense Block", polished deepslate)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 25000, "&f&lTier 2 Trapdoor", iron trapdoor)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 20000, "&b&lRespawn Block", beacon)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopGen" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 100, "&fWhite Generator &8[&6T1&8]", white glazed terracotta)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopRaid" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyTokens(player, 100, "&6&lRaid Tool Tier I", blaze rod)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyTokens(player, 200, "&6&lRaid Tool Tier II", blaze rod)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyTokens(player, 300, "&6&lRaid Tool Tier III", blaze rod)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopToken" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyTokens(player, 50, "&e+0.1 Multiplier", paper)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyTokens(player, 100, "&6&lSellwand x1", bone)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyTokens(player, 200, "&6&lSellwand x2", bone)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyTokens(player, 350, "&6&lSellwand x3", bone)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyTokens(player, 50, "&e+1 Gen Slot", paper)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopMisc" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 500, "&fChest", chest)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 100, "&fWater Bucket", water bucket)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fHopper", hopper)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fTorch", torch)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 50, "&fOak Sign", oak sign)
		if index of event-slot is 15:
			buyMoney(player, 50, "&fLadder", ladder)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopBlock" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fSandstone", sandstone)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fCobblestone", cobblestone)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fGlass", glass)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fStone", stone)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fSand", sand)
		if index of event-slot is 15:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fIce", ice)
		if index of event-slot is 16:
			buyMoney(player, 10, "&fSoul Sand", soul sand)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player
	if event-inventory = (metadata tag "shopEquip" of player):
		cancel event
		if index of event-slot is 10:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Helmet", leather helmet)
		if index of event-slot is 11:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Helmet", chainmail helmet)
		if index of event-slot is 12:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Helmet", iron helmet)
		if index of event-slot is 13:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Sword", stone sword)
		if index of event-slot is 14:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Pickaxe", stone pickaxe)
		if index of event-slot is 15:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Axe", stone axe)
		if index of event-slot is 16:
			buyMoney(player, 2500, "&fStone Shovel", stone shovel)
		if index of event-slot is 19:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Chestplate", leather chestplate)
		if index of event-slot is 20:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Chestplate", chainmail chestplate)
		if index of event-slot is 21:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Chestplate", iron chestplate)
		if index of event-slot is 22:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Sword", iron sword)
		if index of event-slot is 23:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Pickaxe", iron pickaxe)
		if index of event-slot is 24:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Axe", iron axe)
		if index of event-slot is 25:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Shovel", iron shovel)
		if index of event-slot is 28:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Leggings", leather leggings)
		if index of event-slot is 29:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Leggings", chainmail leggings)
		if index of event-slot is 30:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Leggings", iron leggings)
		if index of event-slot is 31:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Sword", diamond sword)
		if index of event-slot is 32:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Pickaxe", diamond pickaxe)
		if index of event-slot is 33:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Axe", diamond axe)
		if index of event-slot is 34:
			buyMoney(player, 250000, "&fDiamond Shovel", diamond shovel)
		if index of event-slot is 37:
			buyMoney(player, 1000, "&fLeather Boots", leather boots)
		if index of event-slot is 38:
			buyMoney(player, 5000, "&fChainmail Boots", chainmail boots)
		if index of event-slot is 39:
			buyMoney(player, 15000, "&fIron Boots", iron boots)
		if index of event-slot is 45:
			open (metadata tag "shop" of player) to player


Discord: Dead#6905

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