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How Do I Make /spawn command that will tp after 5 sec ? *Skript*

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Do you know how to skript or are you asking someone to make it for you? 

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Here man i hope this helps 😄

command /spawn:
		send "teleporting to spawn in 5 seconds"
		wait 1 second
		send "teleporting to spawn in 4 seconds"
		wait 1 second
		send "teleporting to spawn in 3 seconds"
		wait 1 second
		send "teleporting to spawn in 2 seconds"
		wait 1 second
		send "teleporting to spawn in 1 second"
		wait 1 second
		teleport %player% to {spawn}

that wont work as it doesnt have the movement check. This will work though:

  spawnCountdown: 100 #The time needed until you can teleport to spawn (in ticks, 100 ticks = 5 seconds)
      spawnCountdownMsg: "&6You will be teleported to spawn in <number> second(s)." #Message players receive when using /spawn

command /spawn:
        set {_timer} to 5
        set {_countdown} to {@spawnCountdown}
        set {_loc} to location of player
        set {_seconds} to floor(({_countdown})/20)
        set {_int} to {_seconds}
        loop {_seconds} times:
            add {_int} to {_list::*}
            remove 1 from {_int}
        while {_countdown} is not 0:
            if distance between {_loc} and player is not 0:
                loop {_timer} times:
                    send "&cCanceling teleport to spawn: Cannot teleport when moving."
            if {_list::*} contains {_seconds}:
                set {_msg} to {@spawnCountdownMsg}
                replace "<number>" in {_msg} with "%{_seconds}%"
                send action bar "%{_msg}%"
            remove 1 from {_countdown}
            wait a tick
        send "&6Teleporting you to spawn."
        teleport player to {spawn}
command /setspawn:
    permission: spawn.set
    permission message: &cYou do not have access to this command"
        set {spawn} to player's location
        send "&aSpawn has been set to: &2%{spawn}%"


If I have helped you out in your post or you liked what I posted, please upvote and react to my post! It helps me a lot!

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If you have any questions contact me!
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