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This is a remake of the flight skript @SfxzGoldenn had created here this one includes when a player gets hit, they will have the flight disable. I didn't put a timer when they get hit to use the flight command again, just something to make for him XD


on damage:
	victim is a player:
		if {fly::%victim%} is true:
			set victim's flight mode to false
			delete {fly::%victim%}
			send "&cYou have been attacked by %attacker%, disabeling flight" to victim

command /fly:
	permission: profcube.fly
		set {_p} to player
		if {fly::%{_p}%} isn't set:
			send "&7Flight mode is now &a&lenabled" to player
			set player's flight mode to true
			set {fly::%{_p}%} to true
		send "&7Flight mode is now &c&ldisabled" to player
		set player's flight mode to false
		delete {fly::%{_p}%}


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