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how do i use arguments in skript


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i'm learning skript, and i came across arguments: things like arg-1 and arg-2, etc. how do i use this? also i was looking at how do i use arguments but i found one but i couldnt understand it. if i use this:

command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]:

then what would be all the arguments? like [whatever] = arg-1 and [anything] = arg-2. please tell me this.

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So your command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]:


Let's say your banning some one

First, your text would have to be changed to player or offline player then use arg-1 or arg-2


Ban arg-1

Execute console command "time set %arg-1%"

give arg-1 apple named "&cArgument"


To refer back to your argument in like a broadcast or a variable do %arg-1%


send "&b%arg-1% is my first argument"

Set {argument} to "%arg-1%"





hope this helps


Edited by Yo_The_pro19
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17 hours ago, Yo_The_pro19 said:

So your command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]:


Let's say your banning some one

First, your text would have to be changed to player or offline player then use arg-1 or arg-2


Ban arg-1

Execute console command "time set %arg-1%"

give arg-1 apple named "&cArgument"


To refer back to your argument in like a broadcast or a variable do %arg-1%


send "&b%arg-1% is my first argument"

Set {argument} to "%arg-1%"





hope this helps


i don't really understand. you were putting commands like time set arg-1 but you didn't tell me what the arg-1 is. another: you put ban arg-1 but that doesn't make sense, what is arg-1 and how do i set a certain thing to an argument? also again with my command:
command /prefix [<text>] [<text>]:

what would be arg-1 and what would be arg-2, etc. with my command?

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