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Dupe skript lets people dupe items if they hold more than 1


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Hi, I'm currently making a dupe server and I noticed that if I held more than 1 of an item that I could dupe it, but if I held 1 then you could not dupe it. Can someone help me fix this? 


command dupe:
		set {_dupe} to player's held item
		if player's held item is a player head or shulker box or redstone ore or redstone dust or redstone block or a enchanted golden apple or an enchanted book or sugar cane or nether wart or nether bricks or a nether brick or red nether bricks or a red nether brick wall or red nether brick walls or a map or paper or a compass or nether bricks or a nether brick or nether brick or a white shulker box or orange shulker box or blue shulker box  or pink shulker box or lime shulker box or black shulker box or gray shulker box or magenta shulker box or red shulker box or cyan shulker box or light blue shulker box or light gray shulker box or brown shulker box or green shulker box or yellow shulker box or purple shulker box or a shulker box named "anything" or a wither skeleton skull or spawn egg:
			send "&e[&6&l!&e] &cThis item cannot be duped! &e[&6&l!&e]"
			give player {_dupe}
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i dont realy see why you need to have the 

var so just get rid of it and try (idk what else might work idk if this even works)
command dupe:
		if player's held item is a player head or shulker box or redstone ore or redstone dust or redstone block or a enchanted golden apple or an enchanted book or sugar cane or nether wart or nether bricks or a nether brick or red nether bricks or a red nether brick wall or red nether brick walls or a map or paper or a compass or nether bricks or a nether brick or nether brick or a white shulker box or orange shulker box or blue shulker box  or pink shulker box or lime shulker box or black shulker box or gray shulker box or magenta shulker box or red shulker box or cyan shulker box or light blue shulker box or light gray shulker box or brown shulker box or green shulker box or yellow shulker box or purple shulker box or a shulker box named "anything" or a wither skeleton skull or spawn egg:
			send "&e[&6&l!&e] &cThis item cannot be duped! &e[&6&l!&e]"
			add player's held item to player
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