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I need help with my skript code


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I made this Skript for a daily reward but it doesn't work anyone know how I can fix it?


command /dailyreward

if {dr::} does not contain player:
      add player to {dr::}
      give diamond to player
      send "Enjoy!" to player
      send "you already claimed your daily reward"

command /resetdailyreward:
  permission: op
  permission message: &6No permission for that!
      set {dr::} to 0
      send "daily rewards can be used again!" to player 

every 86400 seconds
    set {dr::} to 0 


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i would just use a command with a cooldown (ill put an example). but if you dont want to do that just get rid of the trigger in the "every 86400 seconds" part.

I would also recommend just deleting the the "{dr::*} var

Update for your code

command dailyreward:
		if {dr::*} does not contain player:
			add player to {dr::*}
			give diamond to player
			send "Enjoy!" to player
			send "you already claimed your daily reward"

command resetdailyreward:
	permission: op
	permission message: &6No permission for that!
		delete {dr::*}
		send "daily rewards can be used again!" to player 

every 86400 seconds:
	delete {dr::*}


example of cooldown on other page


When to a new page for read ability

anyway, here is a command with cooldown

command daily:
	cooldown: 1 day
	cooldown message: You need to wait &l%remaining time% &rto use this command again!
	cooldown bypass: daily.nocooldown	
		give diamond to player
		send "Enjoy!" to player
		play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player


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