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balance is <none>


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command /playerstats [<offline player>]:
            if arg-1 is set:
                  if arg-1 has played on this server before:
                        open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&2%arg 1%&2's stats" to player
                        set {number} to 0
                        loop 36 times:
                              format gui slot {number} of player with lime stained glass pane to do nothing
                              add 1 to {number}
                        format gui slot 13 of player with argument 1's skull named "%arg 1%" with lore "&2Balance: %balance of argument 1%"
                        message "&4This player has never played on &2(server name)"
                  make player execute command "/playerstats %player%"

When I try this to myself, the balance works, but when I try another player, it doesn't work and the balance is <none>.

No errors

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Skript has some issues with finding the balance of an "offline player". Therefore, you should use this expression called "offline player from uuid". Try this:


ALSO please use 4 spaces, it's much more convenient.

command /playerstats [<offline player>]:
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 has played on this server before:
                open virtual chest inventory with size 4 named "&2%arg 1%&2's stats" to player
                loop 36 times:
                    format gui slot (loop-number - 1) of player with lime stained glass pane named "&a"
                set {_0} to offline player from uuid arg-1's uuid
                format gui slot 13 of player with arg-1's skull named "%arg 1%" with lore "&2Balance: %balance of {_0}%"
                message "&4This player has never played on &2(server name)"
            make player execute command "/playerstats %player%"





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