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Minehut Box Server Rules Gui


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Required plugins: Skript-GUI, Skript


 gen: compass named "&2&lRules GUI" with lore "&8&lRight Click me for Rules!"

on first join:
 set slot 8 of player's inventory to {@gen}

on rightclick:
  if player's held item is {@gen}:
    execute player command "/rules"

on drop:
  if event-item = {@gen}:
    cancel event

command /genfix:
 permission: gen.sky
  set slot 8 of player's inventory to {@gen}
command /rules:
		create a new gui with virtual chest inventory with 3 rows named "&4&lRules"
		edit gui last gui:
			format gui slot 0 with red wool named "&4[1] &fBe Respectful":
			format gui slot 1 with red wool named "&4[2] &fNo Hacking":
			format gui slot 2 with red wool named "&4[3] &fNo harassing people and no racism":
			format gui slot 3 with red wool named "&4[4] &fNo chat flooding/spamming":
			format gui slot 4 with red wool named "&4[5] &fNo alts":
			format gui slot 5 with red wool named "&4[6] &fNo beggings for stuff":
			format gui slot 6 with red wool named "&4[7] &fNo naked killing":
			format gui slot 7 with red wool named "&4[8] &fNo spam killing/camping mines you don't need":
			format gui slot 8 with red wool named "&4[9] &fNo Complaining about staff punsishments":
			format gui slot 9 with red wool named "&4[10] &fNo afk mining":
			format gui slot 10 with red wool named "&4[11] &fUse common sense":
			format gui slot 26 with barrier named "&cClose this Menu":
				close player's inventory
		open the last created gui to player


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