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command /enchant:
        create a gui with virtual chest inventory named "&benchants":
            format gui slot 1 with enchanted book named "&bEfficiency":
                create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 1 rows named "&bEfficiency":
                    format gui slot 1 with enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 1":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 1
                    format gui slot 2 with 2 enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 2":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 2
                    format gui slot 3 with 3 enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 3":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 3
                    format gui slot 4 with 4 enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 4":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 4
                    format gui slot 5 with 5 enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 5":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 5
                    format gui slot 6 with 6 enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 6":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 6
                    format gui slot 7 with 7 enchanted book named "&bEfficiency 7":
                        enchant player's held item with efficiency 7
                open last gui to player
        open last gui to player
#command above requires skript-gui    



#This work however it is very complicated and a lot of lines to be so little. Can simplify but I'm just lazy.

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On 12/4/2021 at 11:15 AM, ProblemChild said:

I skript you stuff if they aren't too hard to make and im just decent im not the best but give me a challenge cuz im bored and i also need ideas for my server

So I want it when someone is in a specific zone after 5 mins they get a key from goldencrates plug in so the command would be crates givekey (player) bigcrate key 1 if anyone can help please let me know


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Claiming script I want it that you can claim lands like for example /setcapital to anywhere as long as your standing on your own land you just claimed then you earn 20 claim points each 8 minutes and you can claim another land for 1 claim point every block as long as its 4 blocks from your land and you don't need to have a shovel just /claim at the block your standing at and takes 2 seconds for it to claim just not your own land or someone but if you wanna start wars do /warstart (player) and as long as they have lands you can start war with them and I forgot make it that  before you even claim lands you have to start with /landstart  (name) at the block your standing at and starting claiming points is 20 points and I forgot again once you start a war with somebody you can claim there lands just takes 4 seconds longer and you either win by claiming all there lands they have or they do /surrender doing /surrender will instantly stop the war and all the lands th player claimed will just disappear means that anyone can claim it freely without starting a war and doing /peace (player) will send a message to the player "(name) wants to offer alliance, you have 60 seconds to accept" and then you can /peace deny or /peace accept once they do /peace accept and then your allies you can give them claimpoints by doing /share (claim points) you give them any claim points you can have and you can also do /share (item) whatever item you have in your inventory and this only works for allies and if you do /peace (player) while at war instead of it being alliance its neutral and as its always if your not at war you cannot claim their lands just simply neutral and you can see if players are in war or neutral or just see what are the land names players put in like for example " [ Me: Allies You: enemy I: neutral]" and lastly if it detects its 0 claimpoints you cannot claim more lands until you get more points than that


Phew thats long anyways tell me when youve created the skript

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  • 3 months later...
On 12/4/2021 at 12:15 PM, ProblemChild said:

I skript you stuff if they aren't too hard to make and im just decent im not the best but give me a challenge cuz im bored and i also need ideas for my server

Can you make me a AFK skript to were you get a sunflower named &E AFK token

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18 hours ago, Poemoett said:

Can you make me a AFK skript to were you get a sunflower named &E AFK token

every 300 second in "(NAME OF WORLD HERE)":
	loop all players:
		if "%region at loop-player%" = "afk in world (NAME OF WORLD HERE)":
			send "&eYou have recieved &b[1] &aAFK Token" to loop-player
			give 1 sunflower named "&aAFK Token" to loop-player

change (NAME OF WORLD HERE) to the name of the world you want them to recieve the tokens in and make a region called "afk"

Edited by ProblemChild

i like skript...



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9 hours ago, ProblemChild said:
every 300 second in "(NAME OF WORLD HERE)":
	loop all players:
		if "%region at loop-player%" = "afk in world (NAME OF WORLD HERE)":
			send "&eYou have recieved &b[1] &aAFK Token" to loop-player
			give 1 sunflower named "&aAFK Token" to loop-player

change (NAME OF WORLD HERE) to the name of the world you want them to recieve the tokens in and make a region called "afk"

How do i do it


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