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Custom Ranks


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Just a basic rank skript, sets the users rank as well as a custom chat format. If you need help updating the skript or placing the ranks in a GUI then feel free to contact me on discord.

on chat:
    if player has permission "storage.staff":
        set chat format to "%{rankdis::%uuid of player%}% %player% &8» &f%message%"
        set chat format to "%{rankdis::%uuid of player%}% %player% &8» &7%message%"  

command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
    permission: owner.storage
    permission message: &3&lSTORAGE &8» &7You don't have access to that command.
        if arg 2 is "owner":
            set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid
            set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&3[OWNER]&7"
            set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "owner"
            broadcast "&3&lSTORAGE &8» &8&3%arg 1% &7has been promoted to &3[OWNER]&7"

        if arg 2 is "staff":
            make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set staff" 
            set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid
            set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&c[STAFF]&7"
            set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "Staff"
            broadcast "&3&lSTORAGE &8» &8&3%arg 1% &7has been accepted as &c[STAFF]"

        if arg 2 is "builder":
            make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set builder" 
            set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid
            set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&d[BUILDER]&7"
            set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "Builder"
            broadcast "&3&lSTORAGE &8» &8&3%arg 1% &7has been accepted as &d[BUILDER]"

        if arg 2 is "default":
            make console execute "pex user %arg 1% group set default" 
            set {_uuid} to arg 1's uuid
            set {rankdis::%{_uuid}%} to "&7"
            set {rank::%{_uuid}%} to "default"
            send "&3%arg 1%&7's rank has been reset."

It sets the users prefix using the custom chat skript and then sets the permission group of the user using pex. Feel free to edit any of the messages, take credit for it. I don't really mind.

|Ex Staff|

download.jpg.af28032f9dfcfef569a01b3c5168646e.jpg - Matqx#5545

1045330945_download(1).jpg.42534e5f7de249b44b6e4fb4af0570aa.jpg - Matqx // Pro

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