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Skript of Mana, why will it detect the event?


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I use this code but it wont work...

on first join:
    set {maxmana.%player%} to 30
    set {mana.%player%} to {maxmana.%player%}

------------------------Down there it says error------------------------

every 50 ticks:
    loop all players:
        if {mana.%loop-player%} is greater than {maxmana.%player%}:
            set {mana.%player%} to {maxmana.%player%}
            add 3 to {mana.%loop-player%}

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You are using player inside of a periodical event. There is no player in that even. Change it to loop-player like you used in the other parts. 

Also you should use list variables and uuid for variables. So in this case, it would be {mana::%loop-player's uuid%}. This is so that the variable won't reset for someone if they change their name and you can manage list variables easier. 

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