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Chat Moderation skript


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	permm: &8• <##fde82e>&lServername &8☁ &7Insufficient permissions!
	servername: Servername
command /clearchat:
	aliases: cc
	permission message: {@permm}
	permission: staff.cc
		send "%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%%nl%" to all players
		wait 1 second
		send "" to all players
		send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chat has been cleared by <##fdbc3f>%player%&7!" to all players
		send "" to all players
command /mutechat:
	aliases: mc
	permission message: {@permm}
	permission: staff.mc
		if {mutechat} is not set:
			set {mutechat} to true
			send "" to all players
			send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chat has been muted by <##fdbc3f>%player%&7!" to all players
			send "" to all players
		if {mutechat} is set:
			delete {mutechat}
			send "" to all players
			send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chat has been unmuted by <##fdbc3f>%player%&7!" to all players
			send "" to all players
command /filter [<text>] [<text>]:
	permission message: {@permm}
	permission: staff.filter
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)"
		if arg-1 = "list":
			send ""
			send " <##fde82e>Increasing &8☁ &7List of blocked words"
			send ""
			send " <##fdbc3f>%{blockedwords::*}%"
			send ""
			send ""
		if arg-1 = "add":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {blockedwords::*} does not contain arg-2:
					add arg-2 to {blockedwords::*}
					send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Successfully added <##fdbc3f>%arg-2%&7 to the chat filter!"
					send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ <##fdbc3f>%arg-2% &7is already in the chat filter!"
				send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)"
				add arg-2 to {blockedwords::*}
		if arg-1 = "remove":
			if arg-2 is set:
				if {blockedwords::*} contains arg-2:
					remove arg-2 from {blockedwords::*}
					send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Successfully removed <##fdbc3f>%arg-2%&7 from the chat filter!"
					send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ <##fdbc3f>%arg-2% &7is not in the chat filter!"
				send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Incorrect usage! Consider using <##fdbc3f>/filter (list/add/remove) (word)"

on chat:
	if {mutechat} is set:
		if player does not have permission "staff.mc":
			cancel event
			send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7You may not talk while chat is muted!"
on chat:
	if player does not have permission "staff.filter":
		set {_b} to uncolored colored message
		set {_b::*} to {_b} split by " "
		size of {blockedwords::*} > 0
		loop {_b::*}:
			if {blockedwords::*} contains loop-value:
				if uncolored message contains loop-value:
					cancel event
					send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7Your message has been caught by the chat filter!"
					send "" to all players where [input has permission "staff.filter"]
					send "&8• <##fde82e>&l{@servername} &8☁ &7The chatfilter has caught the following message: &8(<##fdbc3f>%message%&8)&7 this has been sent by <##fdbc3f>%player%" to all players where [input has permission "staff.filter"]
					send "" to all players where [input has permission "staff.filter"]

I use this on my server i am making but i decided to release it because i was bored

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I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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%nl% spam is the best way to clear chat.

Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 | 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - now

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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