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Player heads and guis


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i have a terrible solution that i use and that is:

command /itemset [<text>]:
        set {whateveryouwant::%arg 1%} to player's held item

I just hold the head I want when I do that and then in the GUI i do:

format gui slot 1 of player with {whateveryouwant::1} named "whateveryouwant"

Edited by Dragon-Master
forgot a part
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4 hours ago, Lapzzo said:

Will try this!

Try this

format gui slot 0 of player with skull of ("Player" parsed as offline player) named "your stuff here"


Edited by skPizza
I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Or if the player does not exist, you can use nbt tags with Skript-Gui

format gui slot 0 of player with player head with nbt "{nbt}" to run:



Owner of play.hiveminez.net



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Discord - NotKaizo#0001

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11 hours ago, Lapzzo said:

Where do I get head Nbt from?

If you have Effects Command enable thru the Skript Config, you can hold out the player's head and do !send nbt of player's held item to console and check your logs for the NBT. Don't use the Live Console as it sometimes doesn't show the full NBT. 

If you don't have Effects Command enabled, you can make a Skript for it. 

command /test:
		send nbt of player's held item to console


  • Thanks 1


Owner of play.hiveminez.net



Joined Minehut on 1/28/2021 (Same day I got Minecraft)

[VIP] - 3/14/2021

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Discord - NotKaizo#0001

In-game name - iKaizo_

If you need any help, feel free to contact me.

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11 hours ago, NotKaizo said:

If you have Effects Command enable thru the Skript Config, you can hold out the player's head and do !send nbt of player's held item to console and check your logs for the NBT. Don't use the Live Console as it sometimes doesn't show the full NBT. 

If you don't have Effects Command enabled, you can make a Skript for it. 

command /test:
		send nbt of player's held item to console

Hey sorry, im pretty new to head nbt, and nbt overall, but why doesnt this work?

command /test:
		open chest with 3 rows named "&4TEST" to player
		format gui slot 0 of player with player head with nbt "{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;1694348685,-1205448775,-1416642746,-1392269805],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWUyNWRiZTQ3NjY3ZDBjZTIzMWJhYTIyM2RlZTk1M2JiZmM5Njk2MDk3Mjc5ZDcyMzcwM2QyY2MzMzk3NjQ5ZSJ9fX0="}]}},display:{Name:'{"text":"Money Bag"}'}}" named "test"




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16 hours ago, Lapzzo said:

Hey sorry, im pretty new to head nbt, and nbt overall, but why doesnt this work?

command /test:
		open chest with 3 rows named "&4TEST" to player
		format gui slot 0 of player with player head with nbt "{SkullOwner:{Id:[I;1694348685,-1205448775,-1416642746,-1392269805],Properties:{textures:[{Value:"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOWUyNWRiZTQ3NjY3ZDBjZTIzMWJhYTIyM2RlZTk1M2JiZmM5Njk2MDk3Mjc5ZDcyMzcwM2QyY2MzMzk3NjQ5ZSJ9fX0="}]}},display:{Name:'{"text":"Money Bag"}'}}" named "test"


In skript, you have to double all " and # for them to work. So double them in your NBT.


Owner of play.hiveminez.net



Joined Minehut on 1/28/2021 (Same day I got Minecraft)

[VIP] - 3/14/2021

[LEGEND] - 5/27/2021


Discord - NotKaizo#0001

In-game name - iKaizo_

If you need any help, feel free to contact me.

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