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making skripts


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gen these nuts... nvm anyways a gen is a generator server. It's where u place blocks that generates items over time. In return, you get money from selling those blocks, and then you can upgrade ur gens, etc.

😎 Certified Minehut OG since George Washington was alive. 😎

Beginner at Skripting. Already re-making Hypixel. 🤠

Sexy Hot Girl GIF by Cappa Video Productions


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If you need to know check a server called Foodgens or look at this skript i tried to use but didnt work   

------------ Version 1.0 ------------
------------ Made by Wolfeee_ (Nathan.#4380) ------------
#You may edit this skript to your liking!
on place of hay block:
    set {gens::%location of event-block%} to uuid of player
    if {gens::%player's uuid%} < 10:
        add 1 to {gens::%player's uuid%}
        while event-block is hay block:
            wait 80 ticks
            drop 1 wheat above location of event-block
        send "" to player
        send "&bYou have reached your Gen Cap! &7%{gens::%player's uuid%}%&b/&710" to player
        send "" to player
        cancel event
command /gencap [<player>] [<text>] [<number>]:
    permission: gencap.use
    permission message: &cNope!
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is "reset":
                set {gens::%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
                send "&cYou have just reset %arg-1%&c's gen cap!" to player
command /gens:
        send "" to player
        send "&bYou have used %{gens::%player's uuid%}%&7/&b10 gen space!" to player
        send "" to player
command /sell:
        set {_amount} to amount of wheat in player's inventory
        add {_amount} to {wheatdrops::%player's uuid%}
        remove {_amount} of wheat item from player's inventory
        send "&7You have just sold &a%{_amount}% &7wheat drops!" to player
        send "&7Total Balance&f: &a%{wheatdrops::%player's uuid%}%"
command /balance:
        send "" to player
        send "&bYou have &a%{wheatdrops::%player's uuid%}% &bwheat drops in your balance!" to player
        send ""


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  • 1 month later...

I need a Skript That will create a world border 750 block radius from where I'm standing and that shrinks overtime to 10 blocks in 7200 seconds (2 hours)

Sorry its a tall order but would appreciate if you fulfilled it!



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  • 1 year later...
On 7/3/2021 at 11:59 AM, karlip_a said:

read the tittle

Could you create a script to where if someone stands on red concrete the player dies, if they attempt to play a block on red concrete it kills you and cancels the block placement on the block, and if you try to break red concrete it also kills you and prevents you from breaking it.

Or have it to where if you do any of those 3 things it teleports the player to a certain location instead if that's easier.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I need a skript that when u do /server it will show u the servers and if u click it and do the command then it will warp u


Hello I'm nmazey and I joined minehut in 2014 but left because
It was super TRASH! and played other servers...

But in 2015 I joined back and saw the in-game gui and I left because i thought That it was still a towny server.. 2 years later I realised that I saw lots of youtube videos about minehut

so I joined again and found out it's not an towny server anymore saw free minecraft servers! Then I started to make a minehut server called foxboxy, newwolf and more

but today in 2024 I have 62 servers and I have the VIP rank and switched to bedrock




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