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Server says starting then goes to stopping



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Moved to Community Support.

Please post in the correct section next time.

Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

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Hello @Popart,

I'm not aware of Minehut reaching max server capacity recently so this may be a plugin or a file issue. If you are seeing unknown or unused skripts or plugins on your server remove them until deemed necessary. If you are unsure of what may be wrong with your issue follow the steps listed below. 

I am not at fault for any damaged file, Server loss, or any loss valuable item/thing, or build upon repairing files. This may cause server loss. I suggest downloading your world, and making sure you can safe important configs. Please do not show hateful comments. I'm just a Forums Support Member. 

From the main panel you can see the lowest tab, It's called "Danger Zone" Once you click on that tab you may see the following options, "Force Stop" Don't click this it Immediately stops your server and puts it into hibernation. Next to it you'll see "Reset Server" DO NOT  Click that for this issue it completely deletes and resets your entire server. What you are looking for is "Repair Files" it repairs core files that are preventing the server from starting. This should fix your issue if not please reply for further support!


If you have any questions or statements feel free to reply to my message.


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