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Spawn animal's with custom stuff


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I don't know if anyone even will look at this and think it is cool, but it just spawns a animal that you put it with a custom level and name


	permission: mobs.spawn
	pm: &cHey,&7 you cant do that
	prefix: &7&k||| [Server] &7&k||| &7

command mob [<text>] [<integer>] [<text>] [<integer>]:
	permission: {@permission}
	permission message: {@pm}
	usage: /spawn (mob) (level) (name) (amount)
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send "{@prefix} Please enter a mob" to player
		if arg-2 is not set:
			send "{@prefix} Please Enter a level for the mob" to player
		if arg-3 is not set:
			send "{@prefix} Please enter a name for the mob" to player
		if arg-4 is not set:
			send "{@prefix} Please enter a amount to spawn" to player
			send "{@prefix} Summoning %arg-4%&7 Mob(s) of:"
			wait 15 ticks
			send "&7Mob: %arg-1%"
			set {mob} to ("%arg-1%" parsed as entitytype)
			wait 15 ticks
			send "&7Level: %arg-2%"
			set {lvl::%uuid of player%} to arg-2
			wait 15 ticks
			send "&7Name: %arg-3%"
			set {name::%uuid of player%} to arg-3
			wait 15 ticks
			send "{@prefix} At your location"
			send "{@prefix} Your &c%arg-1% &7is getting ready to spawn"
			wait 15 ticks
			loop arg-4 times:
				spawn {mob} at location of player
				set display name of last spawned entity to "&8&k[ &3%arg-2% &8&k]&b %arg-3%"
				set max health of last spawned entity to arg-2 * 2




um yea 

Edited by Boxmonkey
add custom amount to spawn
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