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Changing difficulty on other worlds



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4 hours ago, Jaspanini said:

I can't change the difficulty on a world that isn't the main world. I'm using the /ul command for other worlds. I've tried /difficulty and changing it on minehut but nothing is working.

Hey, changing the server difficulty can be painful sometimes, so I would highly recommend using a plugin such as Multiverse.

Multiverse is a plugin which has a feature to force set the difficulty of your world.

In-case you do not know how to install this plugin, go to your server Dashboard -> Edit Server -> Plugins and then type in "Multiverse" in the search bar. Install the plugin and Restart your server.

After that's done, this command will allow you to change the difficulty of your world: /mvm set difficulty (difficulty-level) (world-name).

In-case you do not know names of worlds on your server, use /worlds to find out the list of worlds that are loaded on your server.

Here are a few examples for using this command:

-> /mvm set difficulty hard world

-> /mvm set difficulty easy world_the_end


That's not it, Multiverse has tonnes of other essential features. If you wish to see them, check this official wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Command-Reference

Edited by CoolProgrammer

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