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Skyblock Skript


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Make sure to make a world with multiverse named Skyblock

Best way to make one is with voidGenerator plugin 😄


command /is [<text>]:
    aliases: /island
        if arg-1 isn't set:
            if {island.owned::%player's uuid%} isn't set:
                console command "/mv clone Skyblock sb%player%"
                send "&6Creating Your Island!" to player
                console command "/mv load sb%player%"
                wait 2 seconds
                console command "/mvtp %player% sb%player%"
                set {island.owned::%player's uuid%} to true
                console command "/mvtp %player% sb%player%"
            if arg-1 is "delete", "d", "de", "del", "dele", "delet" or "delete":
                if {island.owned::%player's uuid%} is true:
                    send "&6Deleting Your Island!" to player
                    console command "/mvdelete sb%player%"
                    console command "/mvconfirm"
                    clear {island.owned::%player's uuid%}
                    send "&6You don't own an island!" to player
                if arg-1 is "create", "c", "cr", "cre", "crea", "creat" or "create":
                    if {island.owned::%player's uuid%} isn't set:
                        console command "/mv clone Skyblock sb%player%"
                        send "&6Creating Your Island!" to player
                        console command "/mv load sb%player%"
                        wait 2 seconds
                        console command "/mvtp %player% sb%player%"
                        set {island.owned::%player's uuid%} to true
                        send "&6You already have an island!" to player
                    if arg-1 is "help", "h", "he" or "hel":
                        open virtual chest with 1 row named "&6Help" to player
                        format gui slot 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 of player with red stained glass pane to run:
                            cancel event
                        format gui slot 0 of player with book named "&6/is create" with lore "&cCreates a new island!" and "&eClick to execute this command!" to run:
                            make player execute "/is create"
                            cancel event
                        format gui slot 1 of player with book named "&6/is delete" with lore "&cDeletes your current island!" and "&eClick to execute this command!" to run:
                            make player execute "/is delete"
                            cancel event


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