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Whitelist skript


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I just made this whitelist skript for people who dont know how to make it

on connect:
	if {whitelist} is true:
		if player does not have permission "whitelist.bypass":
			kick player due to "         &b&lServerName%nl%&9Whitelist is currently &3&lENABLED&9!%nl%&9Please try joining later!%nl%&3Sorry for the inconvenience );"

	prefix: &9&lWHITELIST &b&l● 
	noperm: &9&lWHITELIST &b&l● &9Insufficient permissions!
	perm: admin.whitelist

command /whitelist [<text>]:
	aliases: /wl
	permission message: {@noperm}
	permission: {@perm}
		if arg-1 is "on":
			if {whitelist} is not set:
				set {whitelist} to true
				send " "
				send "{@prefix} &9Turned whitelist on!"
				send " "
			else if {whitelist} is set:
				send " "
				send "{@prefix} &9Whitelist is already on!"
				send " "
		if arg-1 is "off":
			if {whitelist} is set:	
				delete {whitelist}
				send " "
				send "{@prefix} &9Turned whitelist off!"
				send " "
			else if {whitelist} is not set:
				send " "
				send "{@prefix} &9Whitelist is already off!"
				send " "
		if arg-1 is not set:
			send " "
			send "{@prefix} &9/wl on | off"
			send " "

Note: I tested this skript and got 0 errors if you got errors you are probably missing some required skript addons!

I used to play Minehut I guess?
Yeah, I still watch the forums for some reason. (15/5/2023)
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