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World Difficulty issues



The server I'm a mod/admin on is having 2 issues with the difficulty setting.

First, normally we play on normal however, starting this past weekend, every day when we start the server it defaults itself back to easy mode.

The second and bigger issue, which we first noticed after the first issue began, is that the difficulty setting on the dashboard no longer controls the difficulty of the world on our server. Meaning, no matter what we set it to (and we have followed the minehut tutorials properly) the world settings in game do not change. The only way to change the in game difficulty is with the /difficulty command in game. Which would be fine if the first issue didn't exist.

We've tried contacting support, but so far they've been unable to assist us. So I'm posting this hoping someone else has encountered and be able to fix it and can share how to fix it.

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1 hour ago, the_ebs said:

The server I'm a mod/admin on is having 2 issues with the difficulty setting.

First, normally we play on normal however, starting this past weekend, every day when we start the server it defaults itself back to easy mode.

The second and bigger issue, which we first noticed after the first issue began, is that the difficulty setting on the dashboard no longer controls the difficulty of the world on our server. Meaning, no matter what we set it to (and we have followed the minehut tutorials properly) the world settings in game do not change. The only way to change the in game difficulty is with the /difficulty command in game. Which would be fine if the first issue didn't exist.

We've tried contacting support, but so far they've been unable to assist us. So I'm posting this hoping someone else has encountered and be able to fix it and can share how to fix it.

Hey @the_ebs,

Maybe your server has a missing file or object.

Try going into your server panel > Danger Zone > Repair Files.

Tell me if it fixes it please.


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16 minutes ago, M1nordragon said:

Hey @the_ebs,

Maybe your server has a missing file or object.

Try going into your server panel > Danger Zone > Repair Files.

Tell me if it fixes it please.


Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have fixed the issue. It did appear to do something as it did change the difficulty back to normal, however after trying a different difficulty on the site, and restarting, it still did not change.

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1 minute ago, the_ebs said:

Unfortunately it doesn't appear to have fixed the issue. It did appear to do something as it did change the difficulty back to normal, however after trying a different difficulty on the site, and restarting, it still did not change.

Do you have any plugins on your server? If so, what are they?

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8 minutes ago, M1nordragon said:

Maybe one of these "anti-" datapacks is what's causing the issue, could you try removing all and see what happens.

It shouldn't be though, the server worked for a couple months just fine with them. I'll try later though.

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Hey, changing the server difficulty can be painful sometimes, so I would highly recommend using a plugin such as Multiverse.

Multiverse is a plugin which has a feature to force set the difficult of your world.

In-case you do not know how to install this plugin, go to your server Dashboard -> Edit Server -> Plugins and then type in "Multiverse" in the search bar. Install the plugin and Restart your server.

After that's done, this command will allow you to change the difficulty of your world: /mv modify set difficulty (difficulty-level) (world-name).

In-case you do not know names of worlds on your server, use /worlds to find out the list of worlds that are loaded on your server.

Here are a few examples for using this command:

-> /mv modify set difficulty easy world_nether.

-> /mv modify set difficulty hard world.


That's not it, Multiverse has tonnes of other essential features. If you wish to see them, check this official wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Command-Reference

Hello there! If you're reading this, hope you're having a wonderful day!


Feel free to contact me via Discord (CoolProgrammer#1920) for any help.

My DMs are always open for help.

You can also message via. forum messages for help.


Also, don't hesitate to leave a like on my post if I helped you in any way.

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On 4/28/2021 at 9:43 PM, M1nordragon said:

Maybe one of these "anti-" datapacks is what's causing the issue, could you try removing all and see what happens.

Unfortunately, as expected, this wasn't able to fix the issue. I appreciate the ideas though.

On 4/29/2021 at 1:53 AM, CoolProgrammer said:


Hey, changing the server difficulty can be painful sometimes, so I would highly recommend using a plugin such as Multiverse.

Multiverse is a plugin which has a feature to force set the difficult of your world.

In-case you do not know how to install this plugin, go to your server Dashboard -> Edit Server -> Plugins and then type in "Multiverse" in the search bar. Install the plugin and Restart your server.

After that's done, this command will allow you to change the difficulty of your world: /mv modify set difficulty (difficulty-level) (world-name).

In-case you do not know names of worlds on your server, use /worlds to find out the list of worlds that are loaded on your server.

Here are a few examples for using this command:

-> /mv modify set difficulty easy world_nether.

-> /mv modify set difficulty hard world.


That's not it, Multiverse has tonnes of other essential features. If you wish to see them, check this official wiki: https://github.com/Multiverse/Multiverse-Core/wiki/Command-Reference

Changing the world difficulty really isn't that hard. /Difficulty works just fine. The issue is, it's so easy that the server is changing it's own difficulty and ignores what the site settings say. What in this plugin prevents the server from changing its settings on its own?

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2 hours ago, the_ebs said:

Unfortunately, as expected, this wasn't able to fix the issue. I appreciate the ideas though.

Changing the world difficulty really isn't that hard. /Difficulty works just fine. The issue is, it's so easy that the server is changing it's own difficulty and ignores what the site settings say. What in this plugin prevents the server from changing its settings on its own?

Maybe you could set up a skript so when the server starts it executes that command.

I think this should work:

on server startup:
	execute console command "/difficulty [easy|hard|normal|peaceful]"


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Just to update this, multiverse has allowed us to change settings, unfortunately it still doesn't save properly and I need to check difficulty every day.

The difficulty setting on the site is still broke AF and support doesn't give shit. A google search shows our server is not the only ones with this issue and they've also been ignored. Other settings might be broken but I can't be bothered to test for a host that doesn't care. I don't know if you have to be a paid member to actually get them to care but from the lack of professionalism on this issue, I wouldn't give them a dime.

I would try recreating the world but the upload feature ALSO doesn't work so backing up doesn't seem to be an option. Recreating would then mean I'd need to recreate from scratch.

The only real fix at this point seems to be to backup the world and look for a working host. Ty to the other members for their workarounds.

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