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How to heighten your chances of getting accepted


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A lot of people want to have a shot at getting staff on Minehut, sadly a lot of these people also get denied for various reasons which can be very discouraging at times. After seeing quite a few people say they're confused as to why they got denied exactly I decided to write this "guide" on how to have a higher chance of getting accepted into the Minehut staff team!


Start helping users before applying
I cannot stress this enough, experience is the most important thing when it comes to helping people. There's a huge difference between someone who has been helping for years and someone who has never helped someone. Knowledge is important, yes, however when it comes to Minehut, having helping experience is way more important. A small example of this is being able to detect a person using cracked Minecraft. An experienced helper will be able to see it from something as small as an error or an asterisk in the client name, someone who's never helped a user might have to ask quite a few questions before figuring out the issue. Experience can make a huge difference in your acceptance chance.

Another small tip relating to this is, understand the different platforms and basic questions of people. I often see people coming up to me asking how to see their application on the forums, I don't want to be discouraging whatsoever but please figure out how to use the forums (and other platforms) before applying. You're going to have people asking you so many questions, if you don't know how to do these things but you still applied then you're most likely going to get denied.

Having moderation experience is also quite a good thing to have, while it isn’t as important for the helper rank, it still shows that you have the ability to work in a team and have other strengths that might be helpful within the team. Make sure you bring up these different strengths in the application!


Become active within the community
Even though this isn't that important, it can help you out quite a bit. Becoming active within the community makes it easier for staff to know you and know your personality. Befriending the staff team and community gives you a small jump ahead of other users, having staff know who you are also means you can put that on your application so they can give good feedback on your behaviour which in return makes it easier for the recruitment team to consider you. 


Get used to talking
Once you've gotten accepted you have to go through an interview, this can be extremely nerve wrecking for some people, to make this easier on you I highly recommend getting used to being in voice channels and sometimes talking to people. The person interviewing you has quite a bit of experience in dealing with nervous people so don't worry about leaving a wrong impression. Being good at answering the questions the interviewer gives you leaves a good impression on them, and it's also less stressful for you if you're not incredibly nervous.


Be yourself
I know this gets said so often but don't put up a fake personality and just be yourself, if you don't give five paragraph answers to a simple question related to MInehut then please don't do that on your application or interview. Trust me, the recruitment team knows that you don't give someone a whole book on how to upload a world or something like that, you can be chill with everyone. Besides, after a while, having this fake personality gets incredibly tiring and that's the last thing you want.


Be prepared to join
A lot of people seriously underestimate how stressful and tiring being staff can be. If you want to apply because you heard that people in the team get cool rewards or you simply want a cool rank, then please do not apply. Your dedication is incredibly important to the team and players, if you're not dedicated then it'll leave a bit of a negative impact on all of us. You also have to understand that if you cannot handle things like harassment very well then it might be best to wait until you've learnt how to deal with this better, you'll learn how to deal with certain things during your interviewee stage and helper time but that takes a while, some people still struggle with it afterwards (I still sometimes struggle with the hate I get for moderating sometimes, it's really discouraging for a staff member to receive hate). The team will always be there for you and you're always allowed to take breaks once you've joined but you need to be able to know where your priorities lie, don't give yourself a burnout trying to deal with school work and moderation at the same time, you'll regret it otherwise.


Tips for writing the actual application
Take your time when writing your application, instead of instantly sending it perhaps sleep on it a night and read it again the next day to see if you could change anything. If your confidence in your English isn't the greatest then I highly recommend you use an online grammar checker like Grammarly or something similar.
- Understand that they can only go off on what you tell them about yourself, if you say you've been staff on a server then also say what you've done there and what you learned from this. This gives the the recruitment team a better insight in who you could be as a staff member
- Like I said before, be yourself, don't say things that aren't true, if you wouldn't give someone a paragraph on how much RAM a server has then don't write a paragraph about it in your application. Be unique as well, they receive tons of applications, most of the answers will be the same, make sure your application stands out the most and really shows that you made it
- Don't be afraid to message a staff member with any questions you have, whether this be about the application, the process or how they enjoy the staff team, perhaps this can help you out a bit.


Hopefully this helps a little bit for those who are thinking of joining the staff team, feel free to message me or leave any questions below and I’ll be happy to respond to them! Good luck to those wishing to join the staff team!

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IGN: PandaChan

Discord: PundaChen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PundaChen 


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45 minutes ago, PandaChan said:

A lot of people want to have a shot at getting staff on Minehut, sadly a lot of these people also get denied for various reasons which can be very discouraging at times. After seeing quite a few people say they're confused as to why they got denied exactly I decided to write this "guide" on how to have a higher chance of getting accepted into the Minehut staff team!


Start helping users before applying
I cannot stress this enough, experience is the most important thing when it comes to helping people. There's a huge difference between someone who has been helping for years and someone who has never helped someone. Knowledge is important, yes, however when it comes to Minehut, having helping experience is way more important. A small example of this is being able to detect a person using cracked Minecraft. An experienced helper will be able to see it from something as small as an error or an asterisk in the client name, someone who's never helped a user might have to ask quite a few questions before figuring out the issue. Experience can make a huge difference in your acceptance chance.

Another small tip relating to this is, understand the different platforms and basic questions of people. I often see people coming up to me asking how to see their application on the forums, I don't want to be discouraging whatsoever but please figure out how to use the forums (and other platforms) before applying. You're going to have people asking you so many questions, if you don't know how to do these things but you still applied then you're most likely going to get denied.

Having moderation experience is also quite a good thing to have, while it isn’t as important for the helper rank, it still shows that you have the ability to work in a team and have other strengths that might be helpful within the team. Make sure you bring up these different strengths in the application!


Become active within the community
Even though this isn't that important, it can help you out quite a bit. Becoming active within the community makes it easier for staff to know you and know your personality. Befriending the staff team and community gives you a small jump ahead of other users, having staff know who you are also means you can put that on your application so they can give good feedback on your behaviour which in return makes it easier for the recruitment team to consider you. 


Get used to talking
Once you've gotten accepted you have to go through an interview, this can be extremely nerve wrecking for some people, to make this easier on you I highly recommend getting used to being in voice channels and sometimes talking to people. The person interviewing you has quite a bit of experience in dealing with nervous people so don't worry about leaving a wrong impression. Being good at answering the questions the interviewer gives you leaves a good impression on them, and it's also less stressful for you if you're not incredibly nervous.


Be yourself
I know this gets said so often but don't put up a fake personality and just be yourself, if you don't give five paragraph answers to a simple question related to MInehut then please don't do that on your application or interview. Trust me, the recruitment team knows that you don't give someone a whole book on how to upload a world or something like that, you can be chill with everyone. Besides, after a while, having this fake personality gets incredibly tiring and that's the last thing you want.


Be prepared to join
A lot of people seriously underestimate how stressful and tiring being staff can be. If you want to apply because you heard that people in the team get cool rewards or you simply want a cool rank, then please do not apply. Your dedication is incredibly important to the team and players, if you're not dedicated then it'll leave a bit of a negative impact on all of us. You also have to understand that if you cannot handle things like harassment very well then it might be best to wait until you've learnt how to deal with this better, you'll learn how to deal with certain things during your interviewee stage and helper time but that takes a while, some people still struggle with it afterwards (I still sometimes struggle with the hate I get for moderating sometimes, it's really discouraging for a staff member to receive hate). The team will always be there for you and you're always allowed to take breaks once you've joined but you need to be able to know where your priorities lie, don't give yourself a burnout trying to deal with school work and moderation at the same time, you'll regret it otherwise.


Tips for writing the actual application
Take your time when writing your application, instead of instantly sending it perhaps sleep on it a night and read it again the next day to see if you could change anything. If your confidence in your English isn't the greatest then I highly recommend you use an online grammar checker like Grammarly or something similar.
- Understand that they can only go off on what you tell them about yourself, if you say you've been staff on a server then also say what you've done there and what you learned from this. This gives the the recruitment team a better insight in who you could be as a staff member
- Like I said before, be yourself, don't say things that aren't true, if you wouldn't give someone a paragraph on how much RAM a server has then don't write a paragraph about it in your application. Be unique as well, they receive tons of applications, most of the answers will be the same, make sure your application stands out the most and really shows that you made it
- Don't be afraid to message a staff member with any questions you have, whether this be about the application, the process or how they enjoy the staff team, perhaps this can help you out a bit.


Hopefully this helps a little bit for those who are thinking of joining the staff team, feel free to message me or leave any questions below and I’ll be happy to respond to them! Good luck to those wishing to join the staff team!

This is exactly what I need right now. Thank you Panda!

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This is a great guide! I wish I had it when applying haha. Thanks for posting

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In-Game Name - SilentF1ame

Discord - SilentFlame#9811


[Default] 14 February 2017

[VIP] 21 September 2020

[Helper] 26 November 2020

[Moderator] 2 February 2021

[<3] 17 May 2021



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Nice and detailed guide!

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Discord - tarna256

In-game name - _Tarna_

Website - https://tarna.dev
Paste Site: https://paste.tarna.dev


[VIP] - 7/27/2020

Community Support - 7/8/20 - 11/3/20

Helper  - 11/3/20 - 2/21/21

Moderator - 2/21/21 - 5/17/21

❤️ - 5/17/21 - 12/20/22

Moderator - 12/20/22 - now



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Very cool guide!

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Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

JrMod since August 1st

Mod since October 1st

SrMod since November 2nd - 2/7/21

Patron since February 8 - 3/7/21

Mod since March 8 2021

Retired since idk when


    [IMG]    button.png?t=Appeal&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1 button.png?t=Rules&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1  

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As being an ex-staff member these are all correct.

If you are in the interview room, just be yourself... Bring in your clingy dog on multiple occasions.

The last sentence was a joke. But I am quite known for having a dog in the background.

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[June 2016 - May 2021]


Thank you Minehut for years of fun.

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