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How did you get your Minecraft username?


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Reply how you got your Minecraft username.

Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

JrMod since August 1st

Mod since October 1st

SrMod since November 2nd - 2/7/21

Patron since February 8 - 3/7/21

Mod since March 8 2021

Retired since idk when


    [IMG]    button.png?t=Appeal&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1 button.png?t=Rules&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1  

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I got Treasurekid when I was little and my mom wanted a name that both me and my sister could use. Then it became my account when she never used it. I then changed it to Tresre because I wanted a new name and I went by Tresre on a lot of other apps etc.


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My first mc username was 'MusclemanNathan' which I came up of when I was about 5 or 6 years old. (When I started playing roblox where all the oders are) and my second mc username was 'DerpCake_' which idk who tf gave me that name



IGN: Wolfeee_
Discord: Nathan.#4380



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Just one day decided, I wanted to be named Kailum and it grew on me.

Minehut Volunteer Moderator Helper

Discord: powerwinch



[JR.MOD] 28/04/2019

[MOD] 28/07/2019

[SR.MOD] 01/09/2019

[PATRON] / [RESIGNED] 26/07/2020

[MOD] / [REINSTATED] 12/09/2020

[PATRON] / [RESIGNED] 31/10/2020

[MOD] / [REINSTATED] 25/02/2021

[<3] 09/06/2022

[HELPER] 29/11/2023



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This account belonged to my brother. Infact it still belongs to my brother. Technically I never had an account of mine. I've used this account for years because my brother was not interested in playing minecraft. Currently I do not know the account password (could still just ask my brother for it), and whenever I want to play minecraft (which I very rarely do) I just use my little sister's account (yes, my little sister has an account of her own, but I dont ._.)

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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I saw words on a bench near my house, at a collage. Those words were “Very Important Patreot”. I liked those words but they won’t fit into a Minecraft username so I abbreviated them to “VIP” but then that sounded like “Very important person” and I’m not so I put “2” after that to say i’m Patreot not Person even tho I am a person, XD. Then I just put my child nickname “Kea” on it and boom! vip2kea!!!

Edited by vip2kea


Playing Minehut since January 8th, 2018

Became a Pro on February 20th, 3029

Owner of SurvioPC

Owner of ArenaGames


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Uhh kinda just grabbed a random word generator and it came out as Critical so ofc had to make it unique

[VIP] - 2018/2019

[JR.MOD] - 28th April 2019
[SR.MOD] - 21st June 2019

[LEGEND] - 28th July 2020 (Resigned)


Discord - Criticyl#0002

IGN - Criticyl

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I will explain 2 of my usernames, PurpsTheDragon and Jaoheah,

I liked the color purple and I liked dragons, I forget how I came up with it tho. 

For Jaoheah, I just decided one day in discord, I was going to change my username to something and I tried to incorrectly spell my first name, Which is Joey, Jaoheah was supposed to be pronounced Joey. Now I pronounce it like this ja ow hey.


First username I remember having is Schaff24, My last name + the number on our address. It was in Club Penguin. 

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2 hours ago, Jaoheah said:

I will explain 2 of my usernames, PurpsTheDragon and Jaoheah,

I liked the color purple and I liked dragons, I forget how I came up with it tho. 

For Jaoheah, I just decided one day in discord, I was going to change my username to something and I tried to incorrectly spell my first name, Which is Joey, Jaoheah was supposed to be pronounced Joey. Now I pronounce it like this ja ow hey.


First username I remember having is Schaff24, My last name + the number on our address. It was in Club Penguin. 

Thought it was because of Spyro the Dragon

Tbh all you need to know about me is that I was once the Drama King on minehut and I was a really good warzone player. That summarizes about 50% of what I did on minehut in the past lol.

::: Change: 29th of July, 2020 :::


::: Change: 10th of August, 2020 :::

I have permantently quit minehut. For the reason behind it, check this: https://forums.minehut.com/topic/19055-gamingers-official-farewell-post-forever/?tab=comments#comment-59176

Theres also my first post on this forum after I quit minehut's server (I started to only go to the minehut forums):

I still go to discord sometimes. Gaminger#4921
And, as a final goodbye, and as I always wanted to say: SO LONG, NOOBS!


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I got my username when I played a different videogame called StarCraft 2. In the campaign, there was a character named Raynor, I really liked that character and my real life name is Ryan. So I tried to combine the names to come to Ryanor. It also seems simple and people can say my name in only six letters. I also never liked numbers in names. I thought it was kinda childish. To be honest this name feels unique. There could of been some other guy who took this name before me.

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I was 8 at the time and I wanted to finally get a Club Penguin account. (like all the cool kids) My real life name is Jackson however Club Penguin told you to not use your real name. I of course would never disobey the almighty Club Penguin.  I tried to make my username Jack855 since I was 8 and my brothers were 5. It was already taken so I said, whatever, I'm gonna do it. I've been Jackson855 ever since.

Joined on January 17th 2016

VIP since April 5 2017 - August 1st 2019

JrMod since August 1st

Mod since October 1st

SrMod since November 2nd - 2/7/21

Patron since February 8 - 3/7/21

Mod since March 8 2021

Retired since idk when


    [IMG]    button.png?t=Appeal&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1 button.png?t=Rules&f=Calibri-Bold&ts=26&tc=fff&tshs=1&tshc=000&hp=20&vp=8&c=10&bgt=gradient&bgc=1d0dea&ebgc=1a0855&be=1  

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So, at first I was Kamaroony, but a lot of people said it sounded like a girl so i changed it to itzKit, (god so cringe) but then I joined a faction server where someones name was KitPro so i began the quest for a funny name, but also a semi-og one, so i landed in ItsAPerson so now I am happy with this username and its easy for people to call me Person, I don't plan to change it unless Person or something along those lines comes along

Edited by ItsAPerson


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