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#my epic music skript, btw im new to the forums so sorry if i posted this in the wrong discussion.

command /music [<text>]:
  usage: &6Music&7 > &e/music <disc>
    if arg-1 is "far":
      play sound "music_disc.far" with volume 3 to the player 
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Far." to player
    if arg-1 is "stop":
      execute console command "/stopsound %player%"
      message "&6Music &7> &eYour music has been stopped" 
    if arg-1 is "stal":
      play sound "music_disc.stal" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Stal." to player
    if arg-1 is "pigstep":
      play sound "music_disc.pigstep" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Pigstep." to player
    if arg-1 isn't set:
      message "&6Music &7> &eDo /music &nhelp&e for help" to player
    if arg-1 is "mellohi":
      play sound "music_disc.mellohi" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Mellohi." to player
    if arg-1 is "cat":
      play sound "music_disc.cat" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Cat." to player
    if arg-1 is "chirp":
      play sound "music_disc.chirp" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Chirp." to player
    if arg-1 is "wait":
      play sound "music_disc.wait" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Wait." to player
    if arg-1 is "strad":
      play sound "music_disc.strad" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Strad." to player
    if arg-1 is "13":
      play sound "music_disc.13" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &613." to player
    if arg-1 is "11":
      play sound "music_disc.11" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &611." to player
    if arg-1 is "blocks":
      play sound "music_disc.blocks" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Blocks." to player
    if arg-1 is "mall":
      play sound "music_disc.mall" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Mall." to player
    if arg-1 is "ward":
      play sound "music_disc.ward" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6Ward." to player
    if arg-1 is "help":
      message "&6Music &7| &eHelp" to player
      message "&7* &e/music help for this page" to player
      message "&7* &e/music list for a list of songs" to player
      message "&7* &e/music stop to stop all your music" to player
      message "&7* &eTo play songs do /music (disc)" to player
    if arg-1 is "list":
      message "&6Music &7| &eList" to player
      message "&7* &e/music pigstep" to player
      message "&7* &e/music stal" to player
      message "&7* &e/music ward" to player
      message "&7* &e/music 13" to player
      message "&7* &e/music 11" to player
      message "&7* &e/music mall" to player
      message "&7* &e/music cat" to player
      message "&7* &e/music blocks" to player
      message "&7* &e/music strad" to player
      message "&7* &e/music wait" to player
      message "&7* &e/music mellohi" to player
    if arg-1 is "f":
      play sound "music_disc.ward" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.mall" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.pigstep" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.stal" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.13" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.11" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.cat" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.blocks" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.wait" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc.strad" with volume 3 to the player
      play sound "music_disc_mellohi" with volume 3 to the player
      message "&6Music &7> &eNow playing &6&kf&e." to player

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