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I will create a SIMPLE Skript for you.


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Hi all. I am bored, so I decided that I will create a simple Skript for people replying. This Skript shouldn't take longer than 5-10 minutes to make, and I will deny some requests at my own discression.

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Back | June 11, 2021

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14 minutes ago, Rip_juice_wrld said:

Hey can u make me a /freerank skript

Which permissions manager are you using, and what is the name of the rank you want to give?

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DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Back | June 11, 2021

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11 minutes ago, GRIM_CREEPERZ said:

I made him one hes good

I already saw yours, it is terrible. First of all, yours used the variable {freerank.claimed} meaning that if one person claims the freerank, no one else can, as it isn't {freerank::uuid}. Another issue is that you used "." meaning that you cant loop through all the people who have made a claimed a free rank. You also set the rank, meaning that if they have a donor rank, and type the command out of curiosity, it will reset their rank. Here is what it should be.

comamnd /freerank [<text>]:
		if {freerank::*} contains player's uuid:
			send "&cYou have already claimed your free rank!"
		execute console command "lp user %player% parent add Plant"
		send "&cYou have successfully claimed your free rank!"
		add player's uuid to {freerank::*}


Edited by lolorvit
Forgot to add trigger :O
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If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

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Back | June 11, 2021

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2 minutes ago, lolorvit said:

I already saw yours, it is terrible. First of all, yours used the variable {freerank.claimed} meaning that if one person claims the freerank, no one else can, as it isn't {freerank::uuid}. Another issue is that you used "." meaning that you cant loop through all the people who have made a claimed a free rank. You also set the rank, meaning that if they have a donor rank, and type the command out of curiosity, it will reset their rank. Here is what it should be.

comamnd /freerank [<text>]:
  if {freerank::*} contains player's uuid:
  	send "&cYou have already claimed your free rank!"
  execute console command "lp user %player% parent add Plant"
  send "&cYou have successfully claimed your free rank!"
  add player's uuid to {freerank::*}


Lol i was kinda rushin and i was dumb

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2 minutes ago, lolorvit said:

I already saw yours, it is terrible. First of all, yours used the variable {freerank.claimed} meaning that if one person claims the freerank, no one else can, as it isn't {freerank::uuid}. Another issue is that you used "." meaning that you cant loop through all the people who have made a claimed a free rank. You also set the rank, meaning that if they have a donor rank, and type the command out of curiosity, it will reset their rank. Here is what it should be.

comamnd /freerank [<text>]:
  if {freerank::*} contains player's uuid:
  	send "&cYou have already claimed your free rank!"
  execute console command "lp user %player% parent add Plant"
  send "&cYou have successfully claimed your free rank!"
  add player's uuid to {freerank::*}


sorry 😞

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1 minute ago, GRIM_CREEPERZ said:

sorry 😞

I don't mean to be rude, but if you are making a Skript for someone, make sure it works properly.

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Back | June 11, 2021

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3 hours ago, RichMuffin13 said:

Could I get a punish gui? 


This would take more time than I feel like doing.

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Back | June 11, 2021

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4 minutes ago, Rip_juice_wrld said:

Can you make me a /sellall skript?


What items do you want to be sold and for how much?

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Back | June 11, 2021

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#I made this skript My question is (Does it work) Btw im a beginner in skripting

on first join:

 send title "&c&l&oWelcome to Zaladora" to player

 wait 1 second

 send title "&d&l&oDo /start to start!" to player

command /start:


   make player execute "/p auto"

   wait 1 second

   make player execute "/kit start" 

command /tutorial

  send title "&cComing soon!"

Default since 2019

Bought vip in 2021


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37 minutes ago, BennyDoesStuff said:

could you recreate Warzone's TGM plugin in Skript? looks pretty simple to me.

Ah yes! The plugin simply titled "TGM.jar", I'll get on that.

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
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Banned | February 22, 2020
Back | June 11, 2021

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On 2/3/2021 at 3:15 AM, lolorvit said:

Hi all. I am bored, so I decided that I will create a simple Skript for people replying. This Skript shouldn't take longer than 5-10 minutes to make, and I will deny some requests at my own discression.

Could you make me a skript that makes compasses point to other people? You should be able to choose who it points to. And i dont mind if its glowing or not. I hope its not too much! ❤️

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you dont even have to use a scripts for that just look up how to do minecraft manhunt with commands
You basically just set the player you wanna track as the world spawn and the compass will automatically track them



Edited by Thaum

I like potatoes

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2 hours ago, Thaum said:

you dont even have to use a scripts for that just look up how to do minecraft manhunt with commands
You basically just set the player you wanna track as the world spawn and the compass will automatically track them



That wouldn't even work amazingly. Dream's Manhut shows how many blocks you are from them, and it wouldn't work in the Nether. Along with that, if a hunter dies and respawns, it would teleport them to the speedrunner.

If I at all helped, please react to my post with a ❤


DISCORD orvit#0001

Default | June 2016
VIP | 2016
Banned | February 22, 2020
Back | June 11, 2021

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Just now, L2Bh56mB said:

could someone create a skript for me so like if i hit a zombie or any entity at all its gives me scoreboard point and make a hp thing to i really would like that if that would be possible i would litterly thank whoever made it for me.

what i meant is like a training simulator game please


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