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Function In Function


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How do i call a function while im calling it in a function
The first part of the skript is in a function

format slot 11 of {_p} with wooden sword named "&f&lWooden Sword" with lore "" and "&6300 Coins" to close then run [BuyWoodSword({_p})]

The second is a function being called in a function

function BuyWoodSword(p: player):
	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
	if {balance::%{_u}%} >= 300:
		remove 300 from {balance::%{_u}%}
		give wooden sword to {_p}
		send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p}
		send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p}

EDIT: i don't get any errors but when i click the sword, it closes but dosent do anything

Edited by AgentGamerPro




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first of all, you should use this gui slot format instead:


 format gui slot (slot) with (item) named "(name)" with lore "(lore) to run:



this might be a potential fix to your problem, as skript (most of the time) doesnt allow you to put multiple different functions after one another if they are used in an inventory click situation. Try using the format i gave you above and it might work.



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14 hours ago, Sh0ot said:

first of all, you should use this gui slot format instead:


 format gui slot (slot) with (item) named "(name)" with lore "(lore) to run:



this might be a potential fix to your problem, as skript (most of the time) doesnt allow you to put multiple different functions after one another if they are used in an inventory click situation. Try using the format i gave you above and it might work.



"can't understand this condition/effect"

EDIT: I fixed it, so im fine now

Edited by AgentGamerPro
see "EDIT"




Owner of Lifestealed, Labs, Encore, UNOfficially and Observed

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You can also do:

format gui slot (slot) of (player) with (item info) to run function (function)

Sorry, I couldn’t put that in a code box because there’s no support for that on phones.

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