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I'll make a simple skript for you


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In return of me doing this I would like +1 reputation as I think thats fair

Post your ideas below!

(CLOSED, I will not respond to, or answer any questions from this post anymore)


Edited by 83y
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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I would like a delayed spawn egg skript

I need it so that a player needs to wait 1 minute after they spawned a mob to spawn another one with spawn egg. It must work on all spawn eggs.


 And can I have a votifier plugin skript too? that would be nice!

Edited by Dangerdrapion
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Hello 83ywasTaken, I like ur aliases/Username!


I would like a Restart Skript.

To be more clear i would like a skript that Restarts your mc server (Minehut server) When you send the command /restart


thats all i would like today.


Kind regards, DasonPlayz

You can't do that in Minehut.

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Ok @DasonPlayzyou cannot restart your server on minehut.

However, I will try my best to make you a skript that reloads all the configs you want and another one that saves the server and then stops it.

  prefix: &a&l------------&r &a&lCOMMANDS &a&l------------
  listcolour: &a

function reload(p: player):
  loop {list::*}:
    make {_p} execute "%{list::*}%"

command /restart:
    make console execute command "save-all"
    wait 1 second
    make console execute command "stop"

command /reload [<string>] [<string>]:
    if arg-1 is not set:
      if {list::*} is not set:
        send "&cThere is are no commands! add commands with /reload [add/remove] [command (without the /)]"
      if arg-1 is not "add" or "remove" or "list":
        send "&c/reload [add/remove/list] [command]"
        if arg-1 is "list":
          if {list::*} is not set:
            send "&cThere are no commands! add commands with /reload [add/remove] [command (without the /)]"
            send "{@prefix}"
            loop {list::*}:
              send "{@listcolour}%{list::*}%"
            send "{@prefix}"
        if arg-2 is set:
          if arg-1 is "add":
            add arg-2 to {list::*}
            send "&aYou successfully added &a%arg-2% &ato the reload"
          if arg-1 is "remove":
            set {_arg2} to arg-2
            if {list::*} contains "%{_arg2}%":
              remove arg-2 from {list::*}
              send "&aYou successfully removed &a%arg-2% &afrom the reload"
              send "&cThis command is not in the list. use /reload list to see the list of commands"
          send "&c/reload [add/remove] [command]"

There finished 🙂 ,I spent a bit of time on this. This can also make shortcuts to commands.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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Ok @Dangerdrapion here you go.

  time: 60

on right click:
  set {_id} to held item
  if "%{_id}%" = "egg":
  if "%{_id}%" contains "turtle egg":
  if "%{_id}%" contains "egg":
    set {_p} to player
    if {wait::%{_p}%} is set:
      send "&cWait &c%{wait::%{_p}%}% &cseconds until you can spawn another mob" to {_p}
      cancel event
      set {wait::%{_p}%} to {@time}
      loop {@time} times:
        wait 1 second
        remove 1 from {wait::%{_p}%}
      delete {wait::%{_p}%}

Sorry for the long response, I encountered a few problems as I was making it.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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Ok guys, will do all your requests if I can, might take up to 48 hours as I have been very busy recently.

  • Thanks 1

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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Ok @GuesterEXE here you go. I was going to make a boss bar but then decided to stop due to minehuts lag. /toggle [on/off/status] [player]


on first join:
  set {random::%player%} to true
command /toggle [<string>] [<player>]:
    if arg 1 is "on" or "off" or "status":
      if arg 1 is "on":
        set {random::%arg-2%} to true
        send "&eYou toggled %arg-2%&e's random item giver to &aoff" to executor
      if arg 1 is "off":
        set {random::%arg-2%} to false
        send "&eYou toggled %arg-2%&e's random item giver to &coff" to executor
      if arg 1 is "status":
        if {random::%arg-2%} is true:
          send "&e%arg-2%&e's toggle status is currently set to &a%{random::%arg-2%}%" to executor
        if {random::%arg-2%} is false:
          send "&e%arg-2%&e's toggle status is currently set to &c%{random::%arg-2%}%" to executor
      send "&c/toggle [on/off/status] [player]"
every 5 seconds in "world":
  loop all players:
    if {random::%loop-player%} is true:
      give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items

Please give this post a like if you see this 🙂 I am also going to paste my code from now on syntax highlighted as I think it looks nicer, also it fits on the screen better. I might change it some time, maybe not ill see how it goes.

Edited by 83y
Added status and updated some info
  • Thanks 1

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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@NightFlux13I will not be doing your request as it is too much, maybe suggest another more simpler thing and Ill do it.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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I don't think thats possible with skript @Dangerdrapion thats too much of a request suggest a more simpler idea and ill do it.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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3 hours ago, 83y said:

Ok @GuesterEXE here you go. I was going to make a boss bar but then decided to stop due to minehuts lag. /toggle [on/off/status] [player]


on first join:
  set {random::%player%} to true
command /toggle [<string>] [<player>]:
    if arg 1 is "on" or "off" or "status":
      if arg 1 is "on":
        set {random::%arg-2%} to true
        send "&eYou toggled %arg-2%&e's random item giver to &aoff" to executor
      if arg 1 is "off":
        set {random::%arg-2%} to false
        send "&eYou toggled %arg-2%&e's random item giver to &coff" to executor
      if arg 1 is "status":
        if {random::%arg-2%} is true:
          send "&e%arg-2%&e's toggle status is currently set to &a%{random::%arg-2%}%" to executor
        if {random::%arg-2%} is false:
          send "&e%arg-2%&e's toggle status is currently set to &c%{random::%arg-2%}%" to executor
      send "&c/toggle [on/off/status] [player]"
every 5 seconds in "world":
  loop all players:
    if {random::%loop-player%} is true:
      give loop-player 1 of random items out of all items

Please give this post a like if you see this 🙂 I am also going to paste my code from now on syntax highlighted as I think it looks nicer, also it fits on the screen better. I might change it some time, maybe not ill see how it goes.

THANK YOU I changed some of the code and no arg-2 because I don't want player's setting to other players and you made something wrong and said on to "off"

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Oh yeah my bad, I should of gave it a permission, a like would be appreciated. 🙂 @GuesterEXE

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/83y123

Discord: 83y#2552

IGN: 83y


If your seeing this I am currently banned from Posting, the Discord and GitHub

I have helped out countless player's and been re-payed with multiple bans.

staff are attention seeking and biased, i'd just leave for your sake.

your just wasting your time.


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