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SkHELP.SK official release!


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Hello people, I have recently made a .SK for you, it is called SkHELP, it is an ingame Skript help and resource library(we need a lot more information to be stored in it!) And I am releasing it's V1.0.0 today, usages below:

/skhelp for GUI contains Skripted Archive and built in Chat Search Engine!

Compass Click for auto /skhelp execution!

skhelp.sk code for configuration changes!



    {r}: {r.%uuid of player%}
    {p}: {p.%uuid of player%}
    {c}: {c.%uuid of player%}
    {rid}: {rid.%uuid of player%}
    P: &9&lSERVER &8> &7

on first join:
    set {r.%uuid of player%} to false
    set {p.%uuid of player%} to false
    set {c.%uuid of player%} to false
    set {rid.%uuid of player%} to false
    set {search.%uuid of player%} to false

command /skhelp:
        open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "{@P}&7Skripts" to player
        format gui slot 13 of player with shiny paper named "&f&lSKRIPT HELP" with lore "&7Our Archive may contains what you need!", and "&7If not, check skunity.com for extra helps!", and "&cWe don't have anything to do with SkUnity." to close:
            send action bar "&f&lPlease type down your search and send it in chat!" to player
            set {search.%uuid of player%} to true
on chat:
    if {search.%uuid of player%} is true:
        cancel event
        set {search.%uuid of player%} to false
        set {result.%uuid of player%} to message
        if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "variable" or "vari" or "var" or "set variable" or "variabl" or "variabel" or "variablee":
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&e&LTOP RESULTS:" to player
            send "&f&l1."
            send "&7Sources > SkHELP(This SKRIPT)"
            send "&fA &6Variable&f is a number or a text with an always editable value, tutorials for skript down below:" to player
            send "&f&lSet varible to:" to player
            send "&7set {variable-name} to [number]/[text]/{another-variable}" to player
            send "&7Example: set {score} to 1" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&lAdd/Take an integer to variable:" to player
            send "&7add/take [number] to/from {variable-name}" to player
            send "&7Example: add/take 1 to/from {score}" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&lCompare a variable to another value:" to player
            send "&7if {variable-name} >/</= [number]/{another-varible}:" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&lAdvanced variable type:" to player
            send "&7{variable-name.%uuid of player%/%player%}, ''%{variable-name}%'', ''%{variable-name.%uuid of player%/%player%}%''" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&l2." to player
            send "&fSet &6variable&f to player count help!"
            send "&7Sources > SkUnity(skunity.com)" to player
            send "command /math:" to player
            send "  trigger:" to player
            send "    set {variable-name} to size of all players" to player
            send "    broadcast ''%{counts}%''" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&l3."
            send "&fUsing variable so +1 added when mine blocks"
            send "&7Sources > SkUnity(skunity.com)"
            send "command /starterpick:" to player
            send "  trigger:" to player
            send "    give player a diamond pickaxe of unbreaking 50, efficiency 10 and fortune 5 named ''&8[&b&lStarter Pickaxe&8] &8[&a&l0&8]''" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "on break:" to player
            send "  if name of player's tool contains ''&8[&b&lStarter Pickaxe&8]'':" to player
            send "    set {_name} to uncolored name of player's tool" to player
            send "    replace all ''[Starter Pickaxe] ['' and '']'' in {_name} with'' ''" to player
            send "    set {_} to ({_name} parsed as int) + 1" to player
            send "    set name of player's tool to ''&8[&b&lStarter Pickaxe&8] &8[&a&l%{_}%&8]''" to player
        if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "command" or "cmd":
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&fA &6Command&f in Skript where you can define custom commands for your server, basic tutorials down below:" to player
            send "&f&lCommand basic code:" to player
            send "&7command /command-name:" to player
            send "  &7permissions: [permission-name]" to player
            send "  &7alises: [command-alises-name/text]" to player
            send "  &7trigger:" to player
            send "     &7event-here" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&lCommand medium level type code:" to player
            send "&7command /command-name <text>:" to player
            send "  &7permissions: [permission-name]" to player
            send "  &7alises: [command-alises-name/text]" to player
            send "  &7trigger:" to player
            send "    &7event-here"
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&lCommand advanced code:" to player
            send "&7command /command-name [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:" to player
            send "  &7permissions: [permission-name]" to player
            send "  &7alises: [command-alises-name/text]" to player
            send "  &7trigger:" to player
            send "    &7event-here"
        if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "gui" or "chest gui":
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&fA &6GUI&f in Skript where you can define custom commands for your server, basic tutorials down below:" to player
            send "&f&lSkQuery GUI:" to player
            send "&7open chest with [number] rows named ''gui-name'' to player" to player
            send "&7format slot 0 of player with paper named ''item-name'' with lore ''item-lore'' to close then run [ event-here ] PS: <--- the event must be surrounded by [ ]" to player
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&f&lTuSKe GUI:" to player
            send "&7open virtual chest inventory with size [number] named ''gui-name'' to player" to player
            send "&7format gui slot [number] of player with N|A/shiny/glowing [item name] named ''item-name'' with lore ''item-lore'' N|A/to run/close:" to player
            send "  &7event-here"
            send " &7 " to player
        if {result.%uuid of player%} contains "sidebar" or "scoreboard":
            send " &7 " to player
            send "&fA &6Scoreboard/Sidebar&f in Skript defines the major uses of SkRayfall and basic tutorials down below:" to player
            send "&7command /test:" to player
            send "  &7trigger:" to player
            send "    &7wipe player's sidebar" to player
            send "    &7set name of sidebar of [player] to ''[text]''" to player
            send "    &7set score ''[text]'' in sidebar of [player] to [number]" to player
            send " &7 " to player
on right click:
    if player's tool is compass:
        execute player command "/skhelp"

This is my first .SK release so please leave a suggestion below and thank you.

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