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How to use WorldEdit.


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M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q




Introduction to WorldEdit:

WorldEdit is a well-known plugin used by many builders to make building a lot easier, it can do a wide range of things like filling in huge walls or copying and pasting a build you’ve made!


Getting started:

To get started you’re going to need a world edit wand, you can get this by typing //wand in the chat, make sure you’re OP as well.
  One of the more used commands in world edit is the set command, this allows you to set a certain area to a specific block, to create the area all you have to do is create a kind of invisible box with your wand by left and right clicking two corners (this will be used for most of the later commands as well!) After this just type //set <block> and your selection will turn into the block of choice.

Since it’s quite easy to make mistakes with world edit they’ve also added a command that allows you to undo your edits, all you have to do is type //undo but if you regret doing this you can also type //redo to get your change back.


Copying and pasting builds:

Using the wand and the technique that was just used for setting an area you can also copy and paste builds. Go ahead and select a certain build you’d like to copy and then type //copy in the chat, if you want to get rid of the build to paste it later you can use //cut too (it’s recommended to copy the build while being on the ground because the paste depends on the place where you stood when copying.) You’ve put the build in your clipboard and now you can go ahead and paste it in a different area with //paste, if you’ve copied a big build you can also use //copy -a  to get rid of the air from the copied build when pasting it to make it less laggy.

Extra: There are also some other neat commands related to the copy and paste feature, these being //rotate, which rotates the build and //flip which flips it.


Want to go more advanced?:

World edit has a lot more commands than just the once explained above, even the basic commands can be made a bit more difficult to make your builds look even better!

Most commands allow for patterns to be set, these make your set selection have more blocks, this can be used with most commands but to keep it a bit easier I’ll be explaining it with the //set command.
  The way the pattern works is //set <block1,block2,block3…> but you can go a bit further than that, so if I want 50% stone, 25% dirt and 25% glass I would use the command //set 50%stone,25%dirt,25%glass 

Most builders that create huge builds use the brush feature in world edit, they make it a bit easier to create big builds without too much.
  The basic command is //brush sphere <pattern> <radius> while holding an item you want to use as the tool, once you right click a block it’ll create a sphere. You can change the size or material of the spheres with //size and //material when holding your current brush.


Require further assistance?:

If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

📎 https://youtu.be/gw0MR8M4JJs

Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team

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IGN: PandaChan

Discord: PundaChen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/PundaChen 


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