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[GUIDE] How to make a Beta tester Application!

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This is the information for the Beta tester Application! Information will be listed down below!

The Beta tester role (thingy) is for member to test stuff on the server! We want to have this optional to you guys before we actually have it Open out to the public! If there is staff member on, that has the following prefixes:
[MOD][ADMIN][DEVELOPER][MANAGER], and [OWNER]; Follow the givin' instructions, or you will be kicked, and won't be whitelisted on the server! ASK OF SECOND CHANCES / ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS / FAKE FORUM ACCOUNTS = PERMANENTLY BAN / IP BAN!

Format to apply!:



Discord user and #:

Why do you want the responsibility of being a BETA Tester, on the server?:

What are you going to test on the server?


Extra Information:
If failure of use to format while making a application to this specific role, will end up being denied!

Requierments to the BETA Tester Application - 

 Senior Administrator

on RazorKits since 7/29/19 (July 29, 2019)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPPmXwJYYCPKDgwfgkQm7NQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DunawayYT


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