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Looking for a Skript where the player can lose money upon death


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Hello, I'm looking for a Skript that when a player dies, they lose 'x' amount of money.  And that it is announced in the chat (only visible to the player though) that they lost 'x' amount of money.  


I also use the KillerMoney plugin, but I'm not sure how to exactly make the player lose money upon death. 

So either helping me with the KillerMoney plugin or Skript works, thanks for reading!

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	moneylostperkill: 100 #change 100 to anything for the different amount of money per kill

on death:
	if victim is a player:
		if attacker is a player:
			send "&cYou have lost &7${@moneylostperkill} &cfrom dying by %attacker%"
			remove {@moneylostperkill} from victim's balance




Edited by SoloStrafe

Hello! I'm SoloStrafe!


Skript (4+ years experience)

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8 hours ago, SoloStrafe said:

	moneyperkill: 100 #change 100 to anything for the different amount of money per kill

on death:
	add {@moneyperkill} to attacker's balance
	send "&7You have recieved $100 for killing %victim%" to attacker




Some stuff to note:

1. You didnt remove money from the victim or even send him a message

2. In my opinion a player should lose a percentage of his total amount of money instead of a fixed amount 

3. You didn't check if the attacker and victim are players

Edited by OMan100
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Thanks! I just edited and fixed it now.

Edited by SoloStrafe

Hello! I'm SoloStrafe!


Skript (4+ years experience)

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- Westmine (Developer)

- Mineport (Admin)



I got VIP rank on 8/1/2019 -> Current

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